Unbecoming American: Diplomacy and Distraction

Unbecoming American: Diplomacy and Distraction

Unbecoming American: Diplomacy and distraction The importance of “peace” in the rhetoric of the West lies not in the sincerity...

The War on Consciousness – Manufacturing Stupidity. By: Eric Arnow

Eric is a retired American, living in Thailand, who was a robed, practicing Buddhist for many years. He traveled for...

China Writers’ Group member Peter Koenig on Shenzhen TV: China’s Two Sessions at the Beginning of the Year of the Dragon

China’s Two Sessions at the Beginning of the Year of the DragonInterview with ShenzhenTV – Covering ConclusionsPeter Koenig14 March 2024...

Unbecoming American: Journalism and entertainment: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin

This week former Fox News commentator, now self-employed audio-visual journalist, Tucker Carlson interviewed the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir...

Ben Tóth’s talking point outline this week is “BATTLEFIELD EARTH”! Print it out for great discussions.

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week, Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline https://www.youtube.com/@BlowbackExposingImperial-hh8ig Outline BATTLEGROUND...