Economical Explanations: Reflection on the aims of past wars and wars to come

Economical Explanations: Reflection on the aims of past wars and wars to come

Economical explanations Reflection on the aims of past wars and the war to come Down at my grocer’s for half...

Digital Money and Human Enslavement 

Digitization of Everything – Towards a Dystopian World – Interview by Humanity United Now – a Conversation by Dr. Ana...

Unbecoming American: Hell in a very small place

Unbecoming American: Hell in a very small place

Hell: the creditor of last resort Note: While I was writing this I thought about many things I experienced and...

Unbecoming American: Risky business

Unbecoming American: Risky business

Risk and fraudulent mutuality Thirty years ago, having just successfully completed a international congress on environmental consciousness and mass media...