Jay Janson: AntiSemitism? God’s ‘Chosen’ People Have Bombed to Death 25,000 Women and Children! World’s Future? 

More than 25,000 women and children have been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7, according to US Defence...

Ben Tóth’s talking-point outline with quotes, video clips and much more: USraehell, Country 404, NATO’s Palestine Holocaust, Embarrassing Eurangloland, Power Putin, Chest-Beating Iran and Xi-Dom for starters.

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week with China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob...

Israel Just Launched a Brutal attack on Rafah. By: Peter Koenig

Brutality, atrocity no end. Horrendous indiscriminate firebombing of Gaza’s southern-most city, Rafah. We know, Netanyahu does not move a finger...

“Political” Absurdity Knows no Limits: US Blocking Full UN Membership for Palestine – and US Congress Passes Law Depriving Palestine of Freedom of Speech

Palestine applied to become a full-fledged United Nations member. On 18 April 2024, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted...

Servant of the South – 18/04/24

Servant of the South – 18/04/24

This weeks photo dump. Enjoy! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you want to check out my Instagram, here it is. And this link will lead you to my...

Israel vs. Iran – a Trigger towards Armageddon? By: Peter Koenig

Israel’s Minister of War, Joav Galant, told his troops the Iranian attack was not successful; that of about hundred drones...

Ben Tóth: TRUTHFUL PROMISE – Holy shit, the rules of West Asia have changed, have been re-written overnight. Sunday was Historic.

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week with Billy Bob, Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline...

U.S.A.UK EU Journalists Accessories to Gaza Genocide Prolong It Deceivingly As ‘Defensive War’. By: Jay Janson

Journalists of wars prolonging U.S. and NATO nations media are providing cover for a monstrous genocidal crime against humanity by...

Iran on the Rise. By: Peter Koenig

The warning was on the wall. Ever since Israel attacked “out of the blue” on 1 April 2024 the Iranian...

Servant of the South – 14/04/24 SPECIAL POST!

Servant of the South – 14/04/24 SPECIAL POST!

the world just flipped 180 (or 360 if you ask brainblob baerbok) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you want to check out my Instagram, here it...