Posts by admin

Kishore Mahbubani’s ear-searing speech on the USA’s desperate struggles to crush China (32mn in English with English/Chinese subtitles).

Former President of the UNSC and celebrated Singaporean diplomat and scholar explains in very simple, honest terms the greatest global...

Hungary’s President Victor Orban – THE European Peace Maker or International Game Changer? By: Peter Koenig.

With the EU’s and NATO’s wrath and vehement disapproval, President Vico Orban of Hungary used the occasion of Hungary’s European...

Six graphs show which country is doing more for humanity to reduce hydrocarbon use for a cleaner Mother Earth. Three guesses and the first two don’t count!

No explanation needed. These images are each worth a thousand words in any language. China is running away from the...

Ben+Billy Bob lay out a hot-off-the-press Headline Summary for your use!

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show they co-hosted this week (, Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline Outline...

The French Fraudulent Disaster Elections. By: Peter Koenig

It looks and feels like this past Sunday, 7 July 2024, second-round French election, is one of the biggest election...

Beidou (means “North Pole”), China’s GPS is now more global and more accurate than the West’s.

I have reported on this, Beidou, China’s version, already overtaking US GPS in Asia and has extra consumer tools too....

IDF Killed 64 Children While Freeing 4 Hostages. An Exchange Instead Would Have Brought Happiness. NBC Rare Coverage of Israeli Defence Force Killing of 64 Children During Its Freeing of 4 Hostages. 8 Months of Western Media Tight Focus on Hostages.

Ever since October 7, 2023, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, PBS, along with BBC, DW, NHK other Western entertainment/news conglomerates...

Everybody internalizes that the CIA/Mossad/Military/Banksters killed JFK, not to mention his brother, MLK, MX, Black Panthers, musicians and thousands of others.

Everybody understands that the CIA/Mossad/Military/Banksters killed JFK, not to mention his brother, MLK, MX, Black Panthers, musicians and thousands of...

Ben+Billy Bob walk you through all the current headline highlights.

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week with China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob...

West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine puke on Xinjiang and Chinese Muslims is neck-deep across our Pale Blue Dot. Here are 11 articles/videos that pull the plug, including three by Jeff J. Brown.

Fake Uygur ‘genocide’ claims to continue until 2022 Winter Olympics – CGTN And they call this ‘genocide’? – CGTN Uygur...