Have a cup of Sino-tea with me! This is how the Chinese drink tea during their workday. With photos.

Tea culture goes back thousands of years in China, with written accounts in the Shang Dynasty, 1,600-1,000BC, describing drinking the...

Chicken Little sells well, but post-1949 China will NEVER have a real estate or economic crash. NEVER! Here are three reasons why.

No recession in 48 years, no real estate bubble since 1949, yet Sinophobes keep praying for a China-crash. It will...

Breaking down China’s historic lunar mission

Breaking down China’s historic lunar mission

Over a trillion in equity wiped out related to commercial property dump

Over a trillion in equity wiped out related to commercial property dump

CHIANG KAI SHEK (1887-1975)

CHIANG KAI SHEK (1887-1975)

WHY China loved Kissinger (1923-2023)

WHY China loved Kissinger (1923-2023)

The Daily Blob on the 2024 US Presidential Debate : HILARIOUS !!!

The Daily Blob on the 2024 US Presidential Debate : HILARIOUS !!!

Economists explain WHY India can never grow like China

Economists explain WHY India can never grow like China

Everything explained with a relaxed attitude, it’s obvious that the speaker doesn’t have a dog in the fight and quoting...



China has trumped the US in Australia : MAKE WEALTH, NOT WAR

China has trumped the US in Australia : MAKE WEALTH, NOT WAR