Ben Tóth’s talking point outline this week is SMOKIN’!

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week,

Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline



“The world has enough air defense systems and capabilities. Weapons are needed here to save lives.” – Elensky daily address


– 404: Russian quad bike raids, 3D printed drones and a lack of ammo: Life on the front line in Ukraine’s Robotyne ( CNN )

– 404: Ukraine: in Nikopol a street named after Dyachenko, member of the SS “Galicia” division ( Agenzia Nova IT )

– 404: Russians destroy US super weapon for the 1st time – deadly misjudgement by Ukraine  Abrams ( Bild DE )

– 404: Soldiers and civilians fear what comes next as Russia gains momentum in eastern Ukraine ( CNN )

– RUC: UN nuclear watchdog warns Elensky against attacks on Zaporozhye plant – IAEA boss ( RT )

– 404: Shift in Russian tactics intensifies Air War in Ukraine – air support means more gains ( NYT )

– 404: Ukraine’s new phase of war with Russia Is to Dig, Dig, Dig – vs ‘probing’ operations ( WSJ )

– 404: Nikopol sparks controversy by renaming street after WWII Nazi decorated by Hitler ( BNN )

– 404: Ukrainian military unit turns to crowdfunding for defensive operations ( Business Insider )

– 404: Too little ammunition, too many Russians: The harrowing retreat from Avdiivka ( NYT )

– 404: Ukraine‘s military struggles with underprepared defensive lines ( Business Insider )

– 404: Russian T-72B3 tank crew destroys US-made Abrams tank with first shot ( TASS )

– 404: Tchaikovsky Street in Kiev will be renamed Victoria Nuland Street ( document )

– 404: Ukraine’s shrinking Hungarian community ( LeMonde Diplomatique FR )

– RUC: ‘Back to the future’Russia honors anti-colonial past as the West backs Neo-Nazis ( Sputnik )


– 404: UkraineTurkey defense partnership has potential to transform Black Sea and Euro-Atlantic security ( Atlantic Council )

– 404: Meet Ukraine’s small but lethal weapon lifting morale: unmanned sea drones packed with explosives ( AP )

– 404: Russia rail bridge blown up, Elensky says Ukraine downed 7 jets in a week in appeal for west’s aid ( CNN )

– 404: Ground Forces Commander predicts Ukraine will seize initiative at contact line this year ( Ukro Pravda )

– 404: Ukraine war briefing: forces rebuilding for counter-offensives, says Ukrainian general ( Guardian UK )

– 404: Ukraine says it destroyed $65M warship Russia planned for missile system ( Business Insider )

– 404: Ukraine is now fighting Russia in Sudan – commandos land, fight Wagner ( WSJ exclusive )

– 404: Ukraine aims to conduct counter-offensive actions in 2024, top commander says ( Reuters )

– 404: Ukrainian drone strikes fuel warehouse in Russia‘s Kursk region, governor says ( Reuters )

– 404: Ukraine says it has finally stopped Russia‘s advance west of Avdiivka ( Independent UK )

– 404: Ukraine‘s Elensky: Political will in West required to secure needed supplies ( Reuters )

– 404: Ukraine downs 18 Russian drones over Odessa region, says Military ( RFE / CIA )

– 404: Opinion: Ukraine urgently needs Western aid to hold back Russians ( Kyiv Post )

– 404: Ukraine needs over $37b in external financing this year – Shmyhal ( Ukrinform )

– 404: Ukrainian attacks increasingly sap the power of Russia’s Black Sea fleet ( AP )

– 404: A Russian victory in Ukraine would be bad for Africans ( Kyiv Independent )

– 404: Ukraine urges West to give it frozen Russian assets – Shmyhal ( Kyiv Post )

– 404: Explosion at rail bridge deep inside Russia shows Ukraine’s reach ( WaPo )

– 404: Russia loses record troops, vehicles in one day, Kyiv says ( Newsweek )

– 404: The Ukrainian army says it has destroyed Russian drones ( Euronews )


– 404: Russia hit Odesa when the Prime Minister of Greece was there, aiming for Elensky ( Ukro Pravda )

– 404: Elensky appeals to West over deadly Russian drone attack on Odessa ( BBC )

– 404: Elensky urges Western air defense as attacks kill 13 ( Rté IE )

– 404: South Defense Forces do not associate a blow to Odessa with a visit to Elensky ( Ukro Pravda )

context: Natalya Grumenyuk, Yug forces press center: Not connected to any specific visit

– EUK: Explosion rocks Elensky‘s motorcade in Putin assassination plot with NATO leader targeted ( Express UK )

– EUK: Russian missile targets Ukrainian motorcade in ‘attempt to assassinate President Elensky ( Mirror UK )

– EUK: Putin‘s missiles come within yards of killing NATO leader and sparking WW3 ( Mail UK )

– EUK: Explosion rocks Odessa near where Elensky was meeting Greek PM ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Olodymyr Elensky’s convoy narrowly avoids Russian missile ( Telegraph UK )

– USC: Russian missile narrowly misses Zelensky, Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Odessa ( NYP )

– USC: Deadly Russian missile struck close to Elensky and Greek leader’s convoy ( CNN )

– USC: Russia hits Ukraine‘s port of Odessa during Elensky and Greek PM visit ( Reuters )

– USC: Russian missile strike hits near Elensky motorcade in Odessa ( WaPo )

– USC: Russian missile nearly hits Elensky’s motorcade ( The Hill )

– RUC: DM says its forces struck warehouse storing sea drones in Odessa’s port area ( TASS )

– RUC: Russian precision strike on Odessa eliminates Ukrainian sea drones – MoD ( Sputnik )

– RUC: Odessa missile struck drone warehouse, Russian MOD says ( Kathimerini GR )


– 404: Putin promises support to leader of pro-Russian Moldovan autonomous region of Gagauzia ( Ukro Pravda )

– EUK: An ‘unlikely’ story: Moldova dismisses idea that Putin could order Russian invasion ( Politico EU )

– EUK: France and Moldova to sign defense pact amid fears of Russian destabilization ( Reuters )

– EUK: Moldovan regional leader in Moscow as president fears destabilization ( Reuters )

– EUK: Leader of restive Moldova region tells Putin local rights being crushed ( Reuters )

– RUC: Putin holds brief talks with head of Moldovan region of Gagauzia ( TASS )

context: Governor of GagauziaEugenia Guțul, met with Vladimir Putin in Sochi


– WEA: Armenia reportedly may apply for EU membership by fall – complying with demands to remove Russia ( Rbc UA )

– WEA: Armenia officially asks Moscow to remove Russian border troops from Yerevan Airport ( RFE / CIA )

– WEA: ArmeniaAzerbaijanMacron stirring things up in the Caucasus ( Eurasianet )

– AFR: Al-SisiPashinyan discuss boosting relations between EgyptArmenia ( Dailynews Egypt )

– AFR: Egypt launches surprise overhauls to shore up its struggling economy ( WSJ )

– AFR: Egypt secures $8bn IMF deal after removing currency controls ( FT )

– RUC: Russia may revise relations with Armenia because of Yerevan’s position – Lavrov ( TASS )


– 404: Ukraine willing to accept restrictions on EU trade – to end dispute with Poland ( FT )

– EUK: Polish farmers, angrier than before, stage large protest against Ukrainian imports and EU policies ( AP )

– EUK: Putin the only winner as Poland’s Tusk flounders over Ukraine border fight ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Poland says EU executive agrees to revise transport agreement with Ukraine ( Reuters )

– EUK: Paving stones thrown at Polish police in farmer protest, injuring several officers ( ABC )

– EUK: Polish farmers burn tyres outside Tusk‘s office in return of protests ( Reuters )

– EUK: Polish farmers clash with Police outside Parliament in Warsaw ( VOA / CIA )

– EUK: PiskorskiNATO? For what? – Poland‘s interest is to leave it ( Mysl Polska )

– EUK: Farmers threaten to bring Poland to a halt after police clashes ( Reuters )

– EUK: Poland sees its most violent farmers’ protest yet ( Euronews )


– RUC: Polish deputy foreign minister meets with Chinese special representative to discuss Ukraine ( Ukro Pravda )

– RUC: China supports holding international peace conference recognized by both Russia and Ukraine ( GT )

– RUC: Chinese FM urges early negotiations on Ukraine crisis to bring peace at early date ( Xinhua )

– RUC: As West wobbles on Ukraine war, China’s envoy kicks off European tour ( SCMP )

– RUC: China supports international peace conference on Ukraine crisis ( China Daily )

– RUC: China to ‘test waters’ on Ukraine peace – SCMP ( RT )


“Putin is wanted for war crimes and will face justice. There is a courtroom in the Hague waiting for him, my friends” – Ursula, EP


– EUK: After Macron‘s move : NATO country is considering having its own troops in Ukraine – Czechia ( Bild DE )

– EUK: Decadent Britain is joining Europe in surrender – ‘failing basic duty’ – Con Coughlin ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: The Dorset tank museum helping Ukraine win the war – old soviet manuals, parts ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: Czech President on sending troops to Ukraine suggests ‘not to limit ourselves’ ( Ukro Pravda )

– EUK: Mystery GPS jamming on NATO borders fomenting ‘Atmosphere of Threat’ ( Newsweek )

– EUK: Would Putin stop if he wins in Ukraine? Let’s not find out – US columnist ( JapanTimes )

– EUK: German MP calls for attack on government buildings in Moscow – Kiesewetter ( RT )

– EUK: Russia’s Black Sea fleet commander hit with war crimes arrest warrant ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Russia says fighter jets intercepted British planes over Black Sea ( Reuters )

– EUK: NATO to fly Sweden’s flag on Monday – Ulf is in Washington ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Switzerland announces intent to deepen NATO cooperation ( Swissinfo )

– EUK: RAF jets ‘are buzzed by Russian planes over the Black Sea‘ ( Mail UK )

– EUK: Macron says EU needs nudge to act decisively on Ukraine ( Euractiv )

– EUK: Europe kicked out Putin’s spies. Now they’re back ( FT UK )

– EUK: Sweden joins NATO lake’ on Moscow’s doorstep ( FT UK )

– EUK: EU Proposes new Russia sanctions over Navalny – prison employees ( Bloomberg )

context: This is following UK and Australia ( warden Island ) haha – Ben

– EUK: Ukraine sinking Russian warship sparks warning from UK official – Shapps ( Newsweek )

context:  ‘Black Sea is not safe for Putin‘s Navy’ he says on X

– USC: US Department of State believes Ukraine still has “surprises in store” ( Ukro Pravda )

– USC: Washington stands by remark on ‘battlefield surprises’ for Moscow – Miller ( RT )

– USC: US Space Command leader warns of Russia‘s future space plans ( Newsweek )

– USC: Top US sanctions official delivers warning to Austria on Russia ( Reuters )

– RUC: Putin‘s spy chief scolds Macron for extremely dangerous remark on Ukraine ( Reuters )

– RUC: Kremlin clarifies stance on use of nuclear weapons – ‘farewell weapon’ – Peskov ( RT )

– RUC: Moscow warns European countries against hosting US nukes – Zakharova ( RT )

– RUC: Russia dismisses ICC warrants as meaningless provocation ( Reuters )


– EUK: EU threatens to cut off Britain‘s weapon supply to look after itself if war breaks out with Putin ( Mail UK )

– EUK: Dassault chief warns Europe’s defense industry will take decades to build – Rafale maker ( FT UK )

– EUK: Ukraine‘s accession could cost €136 billion to EU budget – Brügel think tank Report ( Euronews )

– EUK: EU could halt weapons exports to Britain if war breaks out with Russia ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: Russia can fight on in Ukraine for at least two years, Lithuania says ( Reuters )

– EUK: RAF drone squadron has conducted no trials since 2020 ( Times UK )

– EUK: We are deep in the Sh*t: Top military from Belgium raises alarm about EU capability ( Merkur DE )

context: Ukraine exhausted ammunition stocks across Europe, replenishment to take up to 7 years

– USC: How to pave the way for diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine – time to talk about talking ( Foreign Affairs )

– USC: Few Americans want US more involved in current wars in Ukraine and Gaza, AP-NORC poll finds ( AP )

– USC: US is turning Its back on the World with or without Trump – about Ukraine aid ( Bloomberg )

– USC: US troops not to fight in Ukraine – White House in response to Macron’s urge ( TASS )

– USC: US M1 Abrams Tanks are being destroyed in Ukraine by Russia ( National Interest )


– EUK: Wiretapped German officers: how Russia is deliberately trying to weaken Germany and divide the West ( NZZ SW )

– EUK: Germany’s Ukraine policy is incoherent for a reason – fear of Russia, desire to be “peace chancellor” ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Scholz is far too slow, much too hesitant. He doesn’t look like a leader’ – Interview with Rasmussen ( NZZ SW )

– EUK: ‘He doesn’t look like a leader’ – former NATO SG Rasmussen harshly criticized Scholz ( Ukraine Today )

– EUK: Macron‘s ‘cowards’ remark ignites FrancoGerman spat – Pistorious says ‘does not help’ ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Olaf Scholz in Dresden – Could someone say thank you? – feels ‘treated unfairly’ ( Zeit Online DE )

– EUK: German military teaches an old dog new tricks in Scholz training center visit ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: Germany says one participant’s error led to Moscow intercepting call on Ukraine ( Reuters )

– EUK: Euroviews – Germany‘s Olaf Scholz has become a major problem for Ukraine ( Euronews )

– EUK: Appearance of Olaf Scholz in Dresden: ‘Something has gotten out of control’ ( Merkur DE )

– EUK: German officer who leaked military secrets to Russia avoids sacking ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: Former NATO chief Rasmussen criticizes Scholz for wartime wavering ( DPA DE )

– EUK: Does Putin have sex videos of German politicians? – Top military expert ( Bild DE )

– EUK: The FT View – Europe’s damaging divisions over military aid to Ukraine ( FT UK )

– USC: Cautious Scholz is taking hits on his Ukraine War Policy ( Bloomberg US )


– EUK: CzechoSlovakian ties strained over differing views on Russia‘s war, says Slovak PM Fico ( Ukro Pravda )

– EUK: Flagship security summit leaves Slovakia, noting government’s hostility – GlobeSec ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Fico says Czechia has ‘interest’ in supporting Ukraine war, after Prague burns bridge ( Euractiv )

– EUK: Italy announces plan to retrieve SAMP/T air defense system from Slovakia ( Defense News )

– EUK: Czechs burn bridge with Moscow-boosting Slovaks – PM cancels gathering ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Globsec security conference moves to Prague after Fico‘s constant criticism ( Euractiv )

– EUK: Czech Republic to suspend talks with Slovakia over Russia ties ( Guardian UK )

– EUK: Italy deals Air-Defense blow to NATO ally’s pro-Putin leader ( Newsweek )

– EUK: Czechs burn bridge with Moscow-boosting Slovaks ( Politico EU )


– EUK: European Commission’s first industrial strategy aims to break US dependence, deter Russia ( Breaking Defense )

– EUK: War in UkraineCzech Republic identifies 800,000 shells that could be sent to Ukraine ( LeMonde FR )

– EUK: European Commission proposes transition to ‘war economy mode’ ( Ukraine World Congress )

– EUK: EU’s Ukraine war fund remains stuck with France’s ‘buy-European demand ( Euractiv )

– EUK: EstoniaFrancePoland call for more cash for the defense industry ( Euractiv )

– EUK: EU Commission proposes €1.5b common defense industry package ( Reuters )

– EUK: EU proposes ‘major’ defense boost as it eyes Russia and Trump ( Al Jazeera )

– EUK: EU‘s future defense industrial strategy to face difficult debates ( Euractiv )

– EUK: EU Defense Industry plan faces funding challenge ( Bloomberg )

– EUK: Inside Europe‘s drive to get ammunition to Ukraine as Russia advances ( Reuters )

context: prices up, availability down | disagreements holding up funding

– EUK: More ideas than cash: 5 takeaways from the EU’s defense push ( Politico EU )

context: Bad for US industry | all about money | ‘unprecedented’ power over production | Ukraine quasi member

– EUK: Ukraine’s allies line up nearly all funds for 800,000 artillery shells – Czechya‘s plan ( Bloomberg )

context: Backers=FraGer-LatLitNedDen + Canada, Interested=Poland


– EUK: Western allies split over how to make Putin pay – Biden team frustrated re: asset confiscation ( Politico EU )

– EUK: British foreign secretary proposes to loan all frozen Russian assets to Ukraine ( Euromaidan Press )

– EUK: What Europe wants from the State of the Union – love for Ukraine – meaning aid ( Politico EU )

– EUK: Robert Habeck urges the release of Ukraine aid in the United States ( Zeit DE )

– USC: RussiaUkraine War: Europe could seize windfall from frozen Russian assets ( Foreign Policy )

– USC: White HouseElensky isn’t asking for US troops in Ukraine – Kirby ( Kyiv Independent )

– USC: Elensky is asking for weapons, not US troops – White House ( Ukro Pravda )

– USC: US weighs tapping Army funds for Ukraine as aid bill stalls ( Bloomberg )


– 404: Olodymyr Elensky’s wife ‘snubbed White House invitation to avoid Alexei Navalny’s widow’ ( Telegraph UK )

– 404: Olena ZelenskaYulia Navalnaya decline invites to State of the Union ( Washington Times )

– 404: Elensky‘s wife, Navalny‘s widow decline Biden State of the Union invites ( ABC )

– 404: Elensky’s wife and Navalny’s widow snub Biden and expose rift ( Times UK )


– RUC: Navalny’s widow calls for Russia election day gatherings on March 17 to show dismay with Putin ( AP )

– RUC: Alexei Navalny: Widow urges Russians to protest on election day ( BBC )

– RUC: Yulia Navalnaya asks Russians to join anti-Putin polling station protest ( Guardian UK )

– RUC: Navalny‘s widow takes up his call for big Russian election day protest ( Reuters )


“The Gaza Strip will be restored, but Israel’s dignity will not be restored” –  IRGC commander Big. Gen Esmaial Qaani


– ISR: Israeli forces fired at Palestinians waiting for aid in northern Gaza, eyewitnesses say ( CNN )

– ISR: Israeli tanks accused of firing at reporters, USUK demand more aid for Gaza ( JPost )

– ISR: FM Israel Katz launches global hasbara campaign in light of UN sexual violence ( Jpost )

– ISR: Israel approves plans for 3,400 new homes in West Bank settlements ( BBC )

– ISR: Pro-Iran militias constitute new threat for Israel ( Ynet )


– ISR: Hopes reportedly fading to set up lull in Gaza fighting before start of Ramadan ( TO Israel )

– ISR: Hamas delegation leaves Cairo as hostage deal talks appear to falter ( TO Israel )

– WEA: Hamas officials arrive in Cairo for Gaza truce talks, but no sign of Israel ( Al Jazeera )

– WEA: Hamas, mediators press on with Gaza truce talks in Israelis‘ absence ( Reuters )

– WEA: Tel Aviv stalling Gaza peace talks ( Tehran Times )


– USC: Biden admin carefully ramps up criticism of Israel over the Gaza war but stops short of cutting off military aid ( NBC )

– USC: Hamas holds key to ceasefire, says Joe Biden after latest breakdown in peace talks ( Telegraph UK )

– USC: Report: US quietly approved more than 100 arms sales to Israel since October 7 ( TO Israel )

– USC: US uses loophole to keep 100 arms sales to Israel under the radar ( Guardian UK )

– USC: Blinken meets with Israel’s Gantz, as cease-fire negotiations continue ( WaPo )

– USC: US floods arms into Israel despite mounting alarm over war’s conduct ( WaPo )

– USC: How the US arms pipeline to Israel avoids public disclosure ( WSJ )

– USC: US sanctions Israeli ex-intelligence officer, spyware CEO ( Jpost )

– EUK: UK patience with Israel wearing thin over Gaza aid, Cameron to tell Gantz in London ( Guardian UK )

– EUK: Five SAS soldiers arrested in UK on suspicion of alleged war crimes in Syria ( Guardian UK )

– EUK: Germany slams Israel‘s approval of 3,000 settlement housing units ( Ynet )


– EUK: Dutch group asks Herzog‘s arrest for war crimes ( YNet )

– WEA: Iran seizes oil tanker – ‘Advantage Sweet’ – with links to US in Gulf of Oman ( Guardian UK )

– WEA: Three missing after Houthi attack on US-owned vessel True Confidence ( Telegraph UK )

– WEA: Three sailors dead after Houthi attack on Red Sea ship – ‘True Confidence’ ( Times UK )

– WEA: Starbucks Mideast stores to lay off 2,000 amid boycott calls over Gaza war ( WaPo )

– WEA: Merchant Ship damaged in attack off Yemen, rescue efforts underway ( Reuters )

– WEA: Iran to unload $50m worth of oil from US-chartered tanker ( Tasnim > Cradle )

– WEA: Yemeni Houthis claim strikes at two US destroyers in Red Sea ( TASS )

– USC: Group of Palestinian Canadians sues federal government to block military exports to Israel ( CBC )

– USC: White House says True Confidence tanker attacked by Houthis is not a US ship ( TASS )

– AFR: South Africa says force should be used to break Israel blockade on Gaza aid ( AN )


– AFR: Nigeria plans to apply for BRICS membership – FM Yusuf Tuggar tells ( Sputnik )

– AFR: Junta-led Sahel states to form joint force to fight insurgents ( Reuters )

– AFR: Sahel states to form joint Force to fight insurgents ( AN )


“We used to have the greatest infrastructure anywhere in the world, and today we’re like a third-world country” – Trump


– USC: Trump’s Super Tuesday victory message to America‘A third world country’ ( Times UK )

– USC: ‘I have no regrets’Nikki Haley drops out of Republican presidential race ( Guardian UK )

– USC: Haley flopped. But she exposed Trump’s weaknesses on her way out ( Politico US )

– USC: Trump challenges Biden to debates ‘anytime’ after Super Tuesday wins ( BBC )

– USC: Musk meets with Trump as former President seeks 2024 donors ( Bloomberg )

– USC: The world is laughing at us, says Trump in victory speech ( Telegraph UK )

– USC: Haley cedes Republican race to Trump, but does not endorse him ( NYT )

– USC: Biden’s plan for Trump: Bury him with campaign cash ( Politico US )

– USC: Biden camp looks to reel in Nikki Haley donors ( Politico US )

– USC: ‘This Could Well Be Game Over’ – Thomas B. Edsall ( NYT )

– USC: Voters must finish what Nikki Haley Started ( Bloomberg )

– EUK: ‘Dismay and disbelief’: What US allies are saying about the chance of another Trump presidency ( USA Today )

– EUK: Trump a worse appeaser than Neville Chamberlain, leading Democrat says – Jim Himes ( Guardian UK )

– EUK: ‘It’s over’Trump trounces Haley and turns to contest against Biden ( FT UK )

– EUK: The tyranny of America’s Supreme Court – Edward Luce ( FT UK )

– EUK: Super Tuesday delivers Trump vs Biden rematch ( Times UK )


– EUK: EU group backed by von der Leyen plans Rwanda-style migration reforms – to curb ‘far right‘ ( Guardian UK )

– EUK: Europe‘s EPP clears path for von der Leyen’s re-election, despite some objection ( Euronews )

– EUK: Stop being scared of Islamophobia. Start worrying about Anglophobia ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: Hungary opposes Dutch PM Rutte’s NATO candidacy, foreign minister says ( Euractiv )

– EUK: Farmers’ revolt threatens election year upsets around the world ( FT UK )

– EUK: Brussels to pay Mauritania for stopping Europe-bound migrants ( FT UK )


– USC: Wall Street wins after Powell signals changes to contentious Bank Rules – don’t need to hold more capital ( Bloomberg )

– USC: US dollar death spiral ‘crisis’ Fears grow as Bank Of America issues shocking ‘$1T every 100 Days’ warning ( Forbes )

– USC: The Pentagon said that the conflict in Ukraine has strengthened the US economy ( White House > RT )

– USC: There’s a new Financial crisis brewing in uninsurable US homes ( Bloomberg )

– USC: How Apple sank about $1 Billion a year into a car it never built ( Bloomberg )

– USC: US lenders risk triggering new financial crisis, warns IMF ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: Chancellor delivers lower taxes, more investment and better public services in ‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ ( Gov UK )

– EUK: Nearly one in 10 English councils expect to go bust in next year, survey finds ( Guardian UK )

– EUK: Europe Is wargaming a food crisis – worst case scenario for best-fed region ( Bloomberg )

– EUK: UK Budget: Hunt and Sunak bet on tax cuts to boost frail election hopes ( Reuters )

– EUK: UKHunt draws election battle lines with cuts to spending and taxes ( Bloomberg )

– EUK: The ECB must act ahead of a possible Trump return – rate cuts ( Bloomberg )

– EUK: Britain is too poor for tax cuts, but no party dares to admit it ( Telegraph UK )

– EUK: Frankfurt airport closed for departures on Thursday due to strike ( Reuters )

– EUK: German police investigating suspected arson against Tesla site ( WaPo )

– EUK: UK budget: Jeremy Hunt cuts taxes again as election nears ( NYT )

– EUK: French budget squeeze has only just begun ( Reuters )


– LAT: Mexico demands investigation into US military-grade weapons being used by drug cartels ( AP )


“No quote yet” – Ben


– RUC: Russia becomes 4th country for agricultural exports with revenues of $43.5 bln – Putin ( TASS )

– RUC: Russia and China plan nuclear power unit for the moon – to be built by robots ( Times UK )

– RUC: Ex-world chess No.1 Kasparov added to Russian ‘terrorists and extremists’ list ( Reuters )

– RUC: Russia to bolster famed Eastern Railroads as China trade booms ( Bloomberg )

– RUC: Russia a ‘role model’ for Global South – Indonesian delegate ( RT )

– RUC: US couldn’t handle being the sole superpower – Putin ( RT )

– EUK: Chess champ Garry Kasparov calls inclusion on Moscow’s terrorist list an ‘honor’ ( Politico EU )


– RUC: Chinese retailers like Shein offered Americans deep bargains on clothes for years – that could soon change ( Fortune )

– RUC: China pledges to deepen Russia ties and criticizes US ‘obsession’ with suppressing Beijing ( Guardian UK )

– RUC: China slams ‘unfathomable absurdities’ of US trade controls as it ramps up high-tech drive ( CNN )

– RUC: China accuses US of devising tactics to suppress China despite improvement in relations ( AP )

– RUC: China’s military capability set to grow faster than its defense budget ( FT )

– RUC: China’s export growth jumps in positive sign for demand ( Bloomberg )

– RUC: Chinese trade rebounds on electronics and exports to Russia ( FT )

– USC: US lawmakers push for ByteDance to divest TikTok or face ban – divest means sell ( Reuters )

– USC: US urges allies to tighten China‘s access to chip technology, Bloomberg reports ( Reuters )

– USC: Google engineer charged with AI secrets theft while working for Chinese groups ( FT )

– USC: China wants to look open. Under the surface, Xi’s grip is clear. ( NYT )

– USC: China intensifies push to ‘Delete America from its technology ( WSJ )

– USC: Why you shouldn’t trust Chinese growth data ( WSJ )

– EUK: America, take heed – China is winning the diplomacy race ( FT )


– ASO: ‘It will be a disaster’Malaysian PM urges world to accept China as a superpower ( Sydney Morning Herald )

– ASO: US Support for Philippines in the South China Sea – ally against China ( Statement )

– ASO: After giving India’s troops their marching orders, Maldives signs defense deal with China ( SCMP )

– ASO: Malaysia‘s PM resists US pressure and says Malays don’t have a problem with China ( WaPo )

– ASO: Maldives signs China military pact in further shift away from India ( CNN )

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