Did their childhood polio vaccine cause this person’s Non-Hodgkins lymphoma? With a reply from Jeff J. Brown.
Letter from a fan
When I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, several people relayed to me that they’d been shocked that I would get cancer, having been so careful about diet, lifestyle, etc. for so many years. Believe me, I wondered this, too, but there it was and I had to deal with it. Gradually, I formed a personal theory about continual outside stressors in my life having contributed.
A year ago I read Janine Roberts’ excellent book, Fear of the Invisible: How scared should we be of viruses and vaccines, HIV and AIDS? In it, Roberts describes in detail (from their notes) how Sabin and Salk developed the Polio “vaccine” using SV40 (Simian Virus) as a base. I – like the author herself – was shocked at the lackadaisical procedures, the sloppiness, the risks, and the outright falsifications that went into the 300% marked-up “vaccine” ultimately given to millions, especially children.
When I was diagnosed in 2023, I learned that NHL affects over 50,000 US adults annually. When I recently read an article mentioning the connection between SV40 and Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, I immediately knew why. Here, from an article in Children’s Health Defense:
In 2002, the Lancet published evidence linking polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. According to the authors, the vaccine may be responsible for up to 50% of the 55,000 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases diagnosed each year.
That’s just in the US.
Another vaccine injury. I now realize that I, like you, am vaccine-injured and have spent nearly 1.5 years of my life in treatment and recovery. It was a little difficult to wrap my head around at first, not because I didn’t believe it but because it’s a bit breathtaking when it’s personal. Yet, it’s so logical, obvious even. It answers all the “Why?”s I and others have felt.
I hesitate to add this in today’s milieu, but both Salk and Sabin were jewish (as was Hilary Koprowski, who demonstrated a polio vaccine in Poland in 1950, 5 years before Salk in the US). What are the odds? And, no, Salk and Sabin weren’t working together but were fierce rivals. But, that’s a rabbit hole I’m going to step around.
Isn’t capitalism great: 300% markup on the vaccine and gowd knows how much they’ve raked in nearly 70 years later. And, there were, I believe, no expensive lawsuit settlements against Monsanto, Novartis, et al (manufacturers of the real culprit, DDT). Just huge profits. Create the problem; provide the cure; make money on both ends. And, safety research? Don’t bother. It’s so expensive. Profits before people.
My reply
Dear Fan,
I didn’t read the book, but I read a long book review about it, Turtles All the Way Down. Apparently, at least a third, if not half is about the polio scam back in the 1950s. The fact is they could never find a significant correlation between poliomyelitis and the physical symptoms of paralysis. But they did find a high correlation between the symptoms, back in those days, spraying arsenic and DDT in orchards to kill mold and insects. The polio symptoms happened in the spring and the fall when they were spraying this stuff, to protect fruit, and it happened very localized where there were a lot of fruits being grown commercially.
The book review was fascinating, so it may be something you want to look into. It revealed that Jonas Salk even said they fudged the numbers. Everything was falsified. This was in his private letters that were later released.
All vaccines are money spinning scams that kill and maim millions of innocents. All of them.
Jeff J. Brown