Two of my inspirations, Jay Janson and Paul Edwards grace The Greanville Post. Pistols firing!
Note before starting: Jay Janson is 94 years old and still giving it hell. Paul Edwards is not a spring chicken either, and both could lead more relaxed lives than continuing to fight the good fight. Feeling sorry for yourself? These two warriors for the Global 99% don’t have the time!
Here is his latest on The Greanville Post,
The ‘Reality’ Around Us Is Constructed By Liars “Journalists are war criminals” Julian Assange Explains
I have met Jay and we stay in touch. I created the Jay Janson Library to honor and archive all his incredible work,
The Jay Janson Archives are here! Celebrate the life of a nonagenarian antiwar, anti-imperial, anti-global capitalist hero!
Paul and I have not met, but we stay in touch. Like Jay, he knows how to cut to the quick on subjects the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine (BLPM) censors and spin. Here is his latest salvo on The Greanville Post,
Unintended Consequences
We did an interview together,
Paul Edwards and his amazing lifetime of rebellion, on China Rising Radio Sinoland 181116