Yellow Lion: this is a new collection of bite-sized China related news items.

Frans Vandenbosch:

This is a new collection of bite-sized China related news items.
Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波 18.02.2024  
The bird that doesn’t know it can fly.
You only need to cage a bird if it knows it can fly.   Cailin Johnstone   In Orwell’s dystopia people knew they weren’t free and had to use doublethink to stay out of trouble with their rulers. In this dystopia people have no idea how pervasively they’re being dominated by their rulers.
China’s industrial output, compared to the rest of the world:
War must go on forever:
Stirring up the hate:
German investment in China rises to record high
Who owns the press media:
The TikTok controvercy (again):
  Peacemakers and warmongers:
  The EU, loyal pawn of the USA:
Who’s manipulating our mind ?
Science: Chinese scientists develop a winter proof battery:

Science: Chinese scientists develop a disk that can store a whole data centre:
China surpasses South Korea in tech science:
“It’s mine, all mine”
They want it all.
That’s the place you’re living:

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