Dazzling TRUTHS offered by Serguei Kolessnikow

Conversation in French with English subtitles available.

I have just one reservation about the outstanding speech offered by Serguei Kolessnikow. The West did not dominate the World for the last 500 years. That hogwash is integrally part of the Western meta-narrative (aka Western Kool-Aid) and even a lucid man like Serguei Kolesnikow has fallen for it. The West totally dominated the World in the last 200 years. China was great till ~1825. The Europeans were absolutely scared of the Ottoman Empire till 1700 and the same Ottoman Empire managed to be a pain in the neck for Europe till 1800 even if they did not intimidate the Europeans to the same degree as before 1700. True that Russia (at least her ruling class) was completely mesmerized by Europe from 1700 but a true Slav identity, quite adverse to European so-called liberalism, always remained quite strong and gave, still giving to Russia a distinctive flavor. Iran was not subjugated till around 1800. India lost the battle of Plassey in 1757 to Robert Clive and it was the end of the true rule of the Great Mughals.

And surprise, surprise, what nations … are the spearheads of the Sovereigns’ movement globally nowadays ?

China, Russia, Iran, India, Turkey for the most powerful ones.

They are not rising but simply returning to their natural places.

I apologize for not mentioning the other Sovereign Nations by name.

The major Sovereign Nations don’t even need to attack the West. They simply need to be what they are.

The Western “leaders” see perfectly the writing on the proverbial wall but cannot bring themselves to live with the reality. They react in a childish and destructive manner. They will bring on themselves their own destruction.

Those whom the gods want to destroy, they first made mad.

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