No Longer Able to Compete : Resort to Sanctions & Wreaking Havoc Globally.

3 Responses to “No Longer Able to Compete : Resort to Sanctions & Wreaking Havoc Globally.

  • Archie1954
    6 months ago

    I for one, will not invest in military production based companies. I don’t want to make money from death and destruction. Shame on you for suggesting it!

    • Not sure what you are referring to, Robert. I’ll ask Kwan.


    • I am flabbergasted by your reply.

      I am willing to believe that you, as a person, would not invest in weapons and destruction and it’s most honorable from you.

      On another level, the US government is well known for living on *forever war*. Please study the Rumsfeld-Cebrowski doctrine. Please study the list of countries destroyed by the US foreign policy since 1945, even since 1898.

      I don’t see why I should be ashamed for saying the truth.

      The US government created chaos in the Middle East for preventing their development and stop them to join the global development project called the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative.).

      It’s clearly written in *The Grand Chessboard* (1997) by Z Brzezinski that the US must at all cost prevent the rise of a rival in Eurasia by war, chaos, subversion and using proxies (Afghanistan).

      Right now, the US government is extending the Rumsfeld-Cebrowski doctrine to Russia( with Ukraine), to China (with Taiwan), to Iran (with direct attacks by killing Iranian officials).

      So, either you’re not very informed or you’re not capable of digesting complex geopolitical knowledge. Maybe you should be ashamed for willful ignorance and playing the dumb. But only you know yourself.

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