The 2024 CHINA-RUSSIA joint Statement on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for A NEW ERA or THE NEW WORLD ORDER as upheld by Russia and China
The 8000 words 2024 China-Russia joint Statement on *The New World Order* is the second major international document for 2024 published on May 16, 2024. It came 3 months after the first one, meaning China’s Statement in February 2024 at the International Court of Justice concerning the genocide of the Palestinians at Gaza, also upholding the Palestinian people’s inalienable rights to armed resistance against an illegal occupier, the Zionist entity, part of the KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment).
The major international document for last year was China’s Declaration of War to the US which has been published in February 2023 on the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is a document called *US hegemony and its perils*
Please pay attention to the choice of the word *hegemony* (a fancy Greek word synonymous with imperialism) in *US hegemony and NOT US Empire* Words matter. Hegemony (or imperialism) is NOT Empire.
Imperialism can be defined in a nutshell as : expansion-extraction-expropriation-enslavement-evangelization-epidemics-extermination.
Empire in a nutshell is P.E.A.C.E & G.L.O.R.Y.
P.eace & order
E.ducation offered to all
A.ristocracy open to all
C.omfort for a dignified life
E.stablished universal health care
G.lobal security architecture
L.ifting everyone out of poverty
O.verture of the Minds and exploring the inner universe
R.esearch on the outer universe
Y.earning for space exploration with real projects in action.
This reminds me of a controversial book I read 27 years ago. It was controversial because it was deeply misunderstood and even much more seriously because it has been weaponized by the Straussians. Samuel Huntington’s (1927-2008) book has been HIJACKED by the Straussians for the destruction of Iraq (and others Arabo-Muslim, Muslim countries) in Israel’s favor. What “THE CRAZIES”, as Bush senior rightly called them, did not manage to obtain from the father (definitely having much much more brains than his son and a former director of the CIA AFTER ALL), they snatched from the geostrategically challenged Bush junior and we got the 2003 invasion of Iraq AND THE REST IS HISTORY.
The book has been published for the first time in 1996 *The Clash of Civilizations & THE NEW WORLD ORDER* The book was an expanded version of an article written in 1993 by Samuel Huntington for Foreign Affairs : *The Clash of Civilizations ?* Please notice THE QUESTION MARK.
There is a crystal clear distinction between *traditional American imperialism* and the unhinged madness as wildly manifested since the US inner circles of power have been infiltrated by the Straussians. Leo Strauss was born in 1899 and died in 1973. He was the intellectual and spiritual father of the Straussians as a philosophical discussion group within Chicago University first, then a political activism group having its tentacles reaching Columbia University (NYC) and a political faction present within the inner circles of the US halls of power from Reagan’s presidency. The Straussians are people upholding the protection and the interests of the State of Israel AT ALL COSTS.
Because the book has been hijacked by the Straussians (aka neocons/neoconservatives; of course, ‘conservatives’ here must not be taken in the classical meaning), most people understand it in a caricatural manner. The words *The New World Order* AN OTHERWISE QUITE BANAL GEOPOLITICAL EXPRESSION simply describing a shift of power at a certain moment within the international framework, has been associated in the minds of most people with THE NEOCON/STRAUSSIAN PROJECT FOR THE GREATER ISRAEL accompanied by THE RELIGIOUS MUMBO-JUMBO coming from the plan of the Deep State for imposing insidiously A NEW GLOBAL SYNTHETIC RELIGION. Not forgetting DEPOPULATION, DE-INDUSTRIALIZATION, TRANSHUMANISM and TECHNO-FEUDALISM, needless to say.
FOR ME, SINCE THE LAST 30 YEARS, THE NEOCONS/STRAUSSIANS ARE AT THE VERY CENTER OF THE KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment).
So, on one side, we have the delusional madness emanating from the Straussians aka neocons having hijacked the words *The New World Order* AND on the other side, Samuel Huntington’s original idea that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there will be 9 major civilizations fighting among themselves for prestige, preeminence and the control of the much needed resources thus creating *The New World Order* For me, a return to geopolitical “normality” after the Anglo-Zio-American nightmarish unipolar parenthesis. Huntington’s realism which I infinitely appreciated and still appreciate was to underline that Western civilization is unique as all the other civilizations are unique; furthermore, Western civilization can no longer uphold the overbearing pretension of owning EXCLUSIVE universality. Each civilization is represented by a *Core State* that would be the civilizational anchor, the living symbol and on a more down-to-earth level, the provider of security for her civilizational sphere. In French, *Core State* is *État-Phare* meaning *Lighthouse State* a quite nice expression, at least for me. More simply and realistically, the *Core State* is *a traditional Imperial State* Imperial, NOT imperialistic.
Imperialism is : expansion-extraction-expropriation-enslavement-evangelization-epidemics-extermination
Empire is P.E.A.C.E. & G.L.O.R.Y.
P.eace & Order
E.ducation offered to all
A.ristocracy open to all
C.omfort for a dignified life
E.stablished universal health care
G.lobal security architecture
L.ifting everyone out of poverty
O.verture of the Minds and exploring the inner universe
R.esearch on the outer universe
Y.earning for space exploration with real projects in action
So China and Russia embody the usual, expected claims of the typical *traditional Imperial Powers* and bona fide Sovereign Civilizational States aka Nations-Empires-Civilizations.
The intellectual greatness of that book : LUCIDITY, VISION, HUMILITY & HONESTY. Contrary to the so-called Liberal people thinking, very wrongly, that History has definitely ended and that everyone would happily accept to be transmogrified into Homo Economicus Transhumanicus Americanus or be corralled for progressive extermination …
Samuel Huntington did not promote the Clash of Civilizations but a *New World Order* taking into account the many civilizations on Earth. His core idea was conveyed by the last 4 words of the title of his book, not the first 4 words.
*** The Clash of Civilizations & THE NEW WORLD ORDER ***
The Chinese President XI JINPING & the Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN met each other not long ago, on May 16, 2024 in Beijing.
The 2 statesmen, essentially, ARE UPHOLDING SAMUEL HUNTINGTON’s IDEAS. They fundamentally don’t acknowledge the overbearing pretension to exclusive universality and the self-proclaimed status of being a City on the Hill to be emulated by all, willingly or manu militari, coming from the so-called Liberal elites of the West & from the ruling class of the so-called collective West.
WHAT IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT, they are respectively at the head of powerful states having the WILL, THE ORGANIZATION and THE TOOLS OF POWER for achieving their IDEAS and their respective VISIONS of what should be the desirable international relation framework with them and their respective devoted open aristocratic oligarchies (the Silovikis for the Russians & the CPC for the Chinese) as preeminent actors on the global stage, needless to say.
Both Presidents are the paramount leader of their respective *Core State* or *Imperial State* naturally at the center of their civilizational sphere.
The “nice word” used by them for the framework they wish for balanced international relations is *MULTIPOLARITY*
PLEASE UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING : There is more than one major civilization on Earth. There is more than one pole of power on Earth. The so-called collective West better truly strives to understand its proper place within *THE NEW WORLD ORDER* The collective West is obviously an important player but not anymore The Hegemon. Perhaps here is THE STAGGERINGLY STEEP LEARNING CURVE for the real Western hubristic ruling class aka the KFC-AZAEL’s smug dotards and its arrogant, parochial, smug, idiotic (from Greek *idiotes* meaning living exclusively in one’s own bubble), ossified so-called intelligentsia.
Maybe 3 centuries of humiliation might help those people.
I repeat myself, Samuel Huntington was a LUCID, HUMBLE, HONEST Western scholar endowed with VISION.
Samuel Huntington was NOT a typical member of the Western intelligentsia : parochial, smug, idiotic, arrogant, ignorant.
Samuel Huntington’s fault has been to stay uncannily passive with the blatant hijacking of the concepts from his famous 1996 book by the infamous Straussians , less politely but undoubtedly much more lucidly labeled as “rabid psychos neocons” by the profound & brilliant Pepe Escobar.
Civilizations have to be grasped as INTELLIGENT LIVING ORGANISMS, meaning nourished by Ideas or Eidos, Timeless Forms. Exactly what I meant when I wrote in the past that The Splendid Central Civilization (aka China) is a Timeless Idea having espoused History in Time. Timeless Idea having manifested in Space-Time-Energy-Matter and vitalized by the CEIM4B5C *The Chinese Everlasting Imperial Matrix of the Four Books and the Five Classics* the imperial synthesis having happened in 124 BCE when the Imperial Academy has been created at Chang’An, the Capital City of the Han Empire BUT it was there IN ESSENCE since the very beginning. The successive generations of Chinese having progressively developed their minds and having epistemologically reached a stage in 124 BCE making them capable of achieving precisely the imperial synthesis. Chinese History afterwards, AT THE LIVING ESSENTIAL CORE, through the many ups and downs the Chinese people went through, has been to create relentlessly and systematically at each generation the much needed aristocratic men using the living Ideas from the CEIM4B5C *The Chinese Everlasting Imperial Matrix of the Four Books and the Five Classics* for the perpetuation and the constant upgrading of that Timeless Idea having manifested in Time when the Eternal Idea called The Splendid Central Civilization espoused History.
At the very end of this article is the hyperlink to the 2024 China-Russia joint Statement (in Chinese so please use the automatic translation) on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for A New Era.
Understand *A New Era* as the perfect equivalent to *The New World Order* NOT the neocon/Straussian New World Order BUT *The New World Order* as the expression of a shift in the centers of global power.
Ceterum censeo KFC-AZAEL-nem esse delendam