The axio-epistemo-political triangle & Universal History

Here are 3 articles written by me & 5 videos tackling the central Idea of the axio-epistemo-political triangle and its impact on Universal History

*** THE 3 ARTICLES ***

1- The quantum leap of the Soul’s Journey Across Chinese, Greek and Indian Cultures

The Quantum Leap of the Soul’s Journey Across Chinese, Greek and Indian Cultures

2- Katehon, Hexagram and Manifest Destiny. Three names for the axio-epistemo-political triangle

Katehon, Hexagram and Manifest Destiny: Three Names for the Axio-Epistemo-Political Triangle

3- The Everlasting Civilization

*** THE 5 VIDEOS ***

** A- The 4 Seeds, Timeless Education & Universal History

** B- Philosophy, food for the living soul or algorithmic matrix for bio-machines ? Part 1

The discussions have been the occasion to recapitulate the core ideas explored in the same group after having read together the 2 dialogues Theaetetus & the Phaedo by Plato (427-347 BCE). Also the Book IV of Harmonices Mundi (1609) by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

For reasons escaping my understanding, this right YouTube ID doesn’t work. Please just go to YouTube and type the title of the video. Thanks.

** C- Philosophy, food for the living soul or algorithmic matrix for bio-machines ? Part 2

** D- Awesome exploration of the Ancient Greek Classical Education based on Logos & Mousikê with Professor Nikos Xanthoulis

** E- The epistemological lessons of Frank Herbert’s D’une and Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy

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