The I Ching’s HEXAGRAM : Symbol for the Epistemological Journey and its Political Impact

I always see things from an epistemological perspective as expressed by the Hexagram from the I Ching which is the Chinese symbolic psychocosmogram for the mind development in general and for the mind hierarchy when dealing with people in all circumstances especially in political settings.
In a given situation, the 2 core questions FOR DECIDING ON ACTION are about :
☆ Oneself and the Other (Sunzi 544 BCE-after 495 BCE : Know thyself and thy enemy)
☆ For Oneself, also concerning the Other :
道 : ● HEAVEN & ■ EARTH, together they are the 道/DAO/the Way
道 : ● (HEAVEN) & ■ (EARTH) : Being RIGHT & Having MIGHT
THE HEXAGRAM FROM THE I CHING IS MADE BY 6 LINES ORGANIZED INTO 2 GROUPS of 3 Lines each : The Upper Trigram & The Lower Trigram
道 : ● THE HUMAN KINGDOM is symbolized by the Hexagram’s Lines 4-5-6 also called the Upper Trigram. The 6th Line is the top Line of the Upper Trigram; it is also the top Line of the whole Hexagram
THE SPACE BETWEEN Lines 4-5-6 AND Lines 1-2-3 for representing the classical/aristocratic/timeless education or the epistemological Overture
■ The ANIMAL KINGDOM is symbolized by the Hexagram’s Lines 1-2-3 also called the Lower Trigram.. Line 1 is the bottom Line of the Lower Trigram; it is also the bottom Line of the whole Hexagram
● Is RIGHT (HEAVEN) on my side ?
HEAVEN (RIGHT) : PURE AWARENESS or The Timeless Universal Principles of Beauty (Line 4 of the Hexagram) Goodness (Line 5 of the Hexagram) Truth (Line 6 or top Line of the Hexagram) respectively translated in Time as the Cardinal Virtues of Justice : Valor/Moderation : Wisdom.
■ Do I have the *MIGHT* (EARTH) for upholding *RIGHT* (HEAVEN) ? (This includes the willingness to pay for failure).
EARTH (MIGHT) :THE REALIZING POWERS IN SPACE-TIME-ENERGY-MATTER. Line 1 of the Hexagram represents *the Senses-Perceptions* : Line 2 of the Hexagram stands for *the Intellect* (wording, imagining, conceptualizing, imaging) and Line 3 symbolizes *Emotional Sophistication*
▪︎ The sufficient number of gentlemen (aka aristocratic men & timocratic men)
▪︎ The Organization & Coordination
▪︎ The Tools of Power ::: Hard Power : Soft Power : Smart Power. This includes the myths/narratives.
WHY do I still bother everyone belonging to this distinguished group once again with my usual ramblings on epistemology or the mind stages ?
Because it’s related to the attitude of the Chinese ruling class and it might interest you.
The members (I mean those with true political power) of that class received, ALL OF THEM RECEIVED (even in communist times) a Chinese classical/aristocratic/timeless education, in one form or another, that I label, with my usual grandiloquence, as the ECIM4B5C, the Everlasting Chinese Imperial Matrix of the 4 Books and the 5 Classics.
I received the same Chinese classical education so I have the overbearing pretension of intimately understanding the members of the Chinese ruling class and the Chinese intelligentsia.
We all understand the mechanism of psychological projection,meaning that we tend to believe that the other is like us in term of values, beliefs and thinking process. The Chinese rulers don’t suffer from that distortion when it’s about politics & geopolitics because thanks to their classical education, they all have the space of meta-representation for avoiding such an error.
Make no mistake, the Chinese rulers clearly see the KFC-AZAEL members (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment) FOR WHAT THEY TRULY ARE :
filthy barbarians with very little pure awareness or practically no pure awareness, motivated by greed, jealousy, lust, wrath and an obsessive-compulsive drive for UTTER VIOLENCE & for LYING CONTINUOUSLY. Also fundamentally COWARDLY because only attacking the weak and the downtrodden peoples. Finally integrally HYPOCRITICAL & absurdly SANCTIMONIOUS.
Donald Trump’s behavior is the most caricatural of the expected deportment from a KFC-AZAEL member.
The Chinese want Trump to act like he’s acting right now : overbearing to the weak ones AND smiling to the powerful ones, the perfect illustration of an AZAEL kakocrat in action for all to watch.
The Chinese rulers know perfectly they are dealing with animals, dangerous animals TO BE TAMED with candies step by step *when truly possible*, TO BE INTIMIDATED *when needed* (once again, the only 2 languages they truly grasp are FEAR & PAIN) and of course, *never trust them*
Contrary to the Russians, we Chinese don’t need to proclaim Urbi & Orbi that the KFC-AZAEL/US are agreement-incapable, we KNOW that they ARE agreement-incapable.
For this period of international relations, the more the Chinese will show their TOOLS OF POWER, the better for all mankind. And a lot will be shown in the coming years. BYD, DeepSeek R-1, the Yaoguang software for sharp military design, the Zhuhai Air Show, the J-36 stealth aircraft , the J-50 stealth aircraft , the 076 amphibious ship, the multiple drones, refueling in space, etc. are only the beginning.
Animals instinctively know who is the powerful one. Trump invited Xi Jinping to his inauguration, not Modi. I suggest that Trump acted only guided by his proficient animal instinct, nothing more.
Of course, Xi Jinping was right to refuse. It would have granted a disproportionate honor to that clownish kakocrat.
Did Trump want to flatter Xi Jinping and entice him into a fake G2 ?
I think Xi Jinping needs a lot more than that for feeling flattered.
The KFC-AZAEL already tried that laughable trick 16 years ago in 2009 when the late Zzzzzbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017) was sent by Obumber & Killary for offering to the Chinese rulers of the time a fake G2, the Chinese rulers said a resounding and crystal clear NO unless the KFC-AZAEL proceeds to a complete restructuration of the international order.
China was weaker in 2009 and the Chinese ruling class was self-confident enough for showing the middle finger to Brzezinski, do you think that China in 2025 would stoop herself down to a G2 with the KFC-AZAEL/US, even a real G2 ?
All the economic, technological, financial, military, political, diplomatic, commercial, infrastructural, institutional, networking, industrial, scientific developments since 2009 is TO BE READY FOR THIS MOMENT.
China will give THE CARROT to the AZAEL (Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment) kakocrats when possible and appropriate but THE STICK to them when truly needed.
That’s the only smart way when dealing with animals, taking lucidly into account the only 2 idioms they truly understand : FEAR & PAIN.
The KFC-AZAEL is slowly going down AND will exit definitely and definitively History. Mark my words.
Ceterum censeo KFC-AZAEL-nem esse delendam
Pax Sinica Persica Koreana Russica
Imperium Mundi Semper Invictus