This short documentary (only 48 minutes) published on Youtube 10 months ago by Al-Jazeera English is perfect for a beginner you might know who wants to be informed on the Palestine-Israel situation from the beginning but without going through extensive investigations. It’s not comprehensive obviously but I judge it quite good for someone completely or almost completely ignorant on the topic.
I added below some infos I believe relevant.
*1* At the beginning of the twentieth century, the British needed a harbor/port at Haifa for receiving the oil from Iraq since their Navy changed their energy source from coal to oil. The Royal Commission on Fuel and Engines has been created in 1912 (JOHN FISHER 1841-1920/Fisher’s Quest).
*2* MARK SYKES (1879-1919), the British officer having secretly negotiated the future carving up of the Ottoman Empire with his French counterpart FRANÇOIS GEORGES-PICOT (1870-1951) in May 1916, did not get what the British State needed. Sykes realized thanks to a Jewish member of the British ruling class he could use the Zionists for achieving the goals of the British State : Haifa for receiving the oil AND a foothold in Palestine for destabilizing the region AS NEEDED ACCORDING TO THE INTERNATIONAL LANDSCAPE OF THE MOMENT.
There are some people suggesting that the State of Israel will soon cease to exist because the USA/KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment) will soon stop supporting it. I beg to differ on the second segment of the sentence. The USA/KFC-AZAEL, knowing perfectly (at their ruling class level, I’m not speaking of the dumb, brainwashed and drugged proles) that they can no longer compete and abysmally retarded in practically everything except for weapons making, DESPERATELY need Israel for wreaking havoc in West Asia. They (USA/KFC-AZAEL) need wreaking havoc IN AS MANY PLACES ON EARTH AS POSSIBLE, that’s their method for surviving (RUMSFELD-CEBROWSKI DOCTRINE defined ~ 20 years ago. We can also call it the Tonya Harding Syndrome). ISRAEL IS A MAJOR PIECE ON THE CHESSBOARD FOR THE RUMSFELD-CEBROWSKI DOCTRINE.
I however completely agree with the fact that Israel will not survive for very long. Not because the USA/KFC-AZAEL will stop their support for the last settlers colonial State in the World BUT BECAUSE Israel will cease to exist with the unraveling of their sponsors, the USA/KFC-AZAEL/NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, THE TERRORIST OPERATIONAL BRANCH receiving orders from THE POLITICAL CENTER called USA/KFC-AZAEL).
*3* The Europeans, at the time of Mark Sykes, also wanted to get rid of the Jewish presence from the Old Continent. Two birds with one stone, so to speak.
*4″ The Zionists (a tiny minority of the Jews at the time, proles & elites combined) also wished to get a Jewish State and accepted to be the alibi for the British (who desired a foothold in Palestine for Haifa & geopolitical control) because they needed the British military power for stealing step by step from the Palestinians their lands. This process is still in operation with the present Gaza genocide. A century ago, the Zionists were assisted by the British State. Nowadays, the Zionists are assisted by the American State.
*5* The British general Edmund Allenby (1861-1936) entered Jerusalem in December 1917. Georges Clémenceau (1841-1929) and David Lloyd George (1863-1945) reached an agreement in 1918 : Palestine was promised to the British. The Jews also preferred the British to the French because the British simply left their colonial subjects alone, to their native habits, contrary to the French who would want, motivated by their “mission civilisatrice” 😉 …, to transmogrify the aforementioned colonial subjects into half-baked “French” persons aka house niggers. The promise of Palestine for the British has been officialized at the Conference of San Remo in June 1920 as the British Mandate for governing Palestine.
*6* The British relinquished their Mandate on Palestine on May 15, 1948. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel has been created with the support of the US and with the approval of the United Nations under US domination.
IT IS A PROJECT, *THE PROJECT* OF THE COLLECTIVE KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment).
*7* Most of the Jews at the time (proles & elites combined) wanted to stay in Europe and were not interested by a Jewish State in Palestine.But there is at least a major exception. The Rothschilds more than participated to the land grabbing. So not a big surprise that Lionel Walter Rothschild (1868-1937) received the famous (or perhaps infamous ?) letter from the Foreign Office known as The Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917.
*8* There is an irrational element (irrational for the people for whom the Second Coming of Jesus-Christ, the rebirth of Solomon’s Temple & the religious mumbo-jumbo associated with those dogmas are of MYTHOLOGICAL nature) related to the dispensationalist theology aka rapture theology contrived essentially by John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) and his pupil Cyrus Scofield (1843-1921). The Scofield Bible has been published in 1909. It is the theological foundation for the present days *EVANGELICALS* of all denominations.
*9* The rapture theology borrowed some elements from the traditional Jewish Kabbalah such as Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) but understood in a warped way obviously. For deeper exploration, see ISAAC LURIA (1534-1572), SABBATAI ZEVI (1626-1676), JACOB FRANK [1726-1791), and JUNIUS FREY aka MOSES DOBRUSKA (1753-1794).
*ILAN PAPPE*(author) : Most Zionists don’t believe that God exists but they do believe that God promised them the land of Palestine. 🤣🤣🤣
*ZE’EV HERZOG* (archaeologist) : The Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt, did not wander in the wilderness, did not conquer the land of Cana’an in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
THE MAIN VIDEO (only 48 minutes) :
You might want to study more on the subject thanks to the 5 videos (also produced by Al-Jazeera) included in the link below and providing more details :
The real truth about Palestine and Israel: it’s called genocide and extermination. China Rising Radio Sinoland 210519