This is WHY the US Want to Stop China’s Rise

This 10 minutes long comprehensive pristine explanation, which is mainly focused on the operational level (meaning acting within the Animal Kingdom) ,is what you seriously need for really understanding the coming turmoil of the next 10 years.


Everything else is not superfluous but simply further legit elaboration on the core answer, concerning the operational level, given here or any additional elucidation can also be perceived as intellectual games obviously.

Even the absolute essential has been indirectly addressed, meaning the practical expression of the axio-epistemo-political endeavor, in other words the open Devoted Aristocratic Oligarchy (open DAO).

The open DAO supervising with firm benevolence the democratic men, the plutocratic men and the fake timocratic men (sophists) living in the Animal Kingdom, for preventing them of going out of the bounds, thus harming themselves, the others and the nation.

■■■ The Animal Kingdom’s Law is : MIGHT IS RIGHT.

The men living within The Animal Kingdom are motivated by :

■ CONTRIVING AN APPEARANCE OF JUSTICE using sophisticated constructs for justifying the actions of the ruling class concerning the most capable and highest type of men from this realm, THE FAKE TIMOCRATIC MEN aka THE SOPHISTS endowed with the highest level of awareness among those living within the Animal Kingdom albeit devoid of the Timeless Forms of Beauty-Goodness-Truth since they are not the inhabitants of the Upper Trigram aka the Awareness Kingdom. The sophists have *deep enough emotional understanding & remarkable intellectual deftness* (skills in manipulating words, images, concepts).

■ PROFITS (wealth and power for themselves and not as the mere tools to be used for higher purposes) concerning *the plutocratic men* having *good intellects* & quite skillful for organizing people and for structuring any given profit-oriented task. They are not as skillful as the fake timocratic men (aka sophists) for emotionally manipulating people or for giving elaborate speeches.

■ SENSES-PERCEPTIONS, lex talionis, tribal affinity, unregulated hedonistic impulses are what motivate the democratic men.

Let’s not forget that these categories are about groups of men at different epistemological stages BUT ALSO ABOUT the different *mind layers in each of us*.

There are 3 floors (layers) concerning the Animal Kingdom in each of us : a democratic *first floor*, a plutocratic *second floor* & a fake timocratic or sophistic *third floor*. Each of the floors is not equally developed in everyone.

The first 3 floors (layers of the mind) are gracious gifts offered by Nature & the Society.

If a person did not develop autonomously the higher floors of his mind, his mind is totally controlled by the ruling class of his society.

The word *Government* is from *Gubernare* (to be at the helm of … to control … to govern …) and Mentis/Mens (the Mind).

A government is not necessarily kakistocratic or plutocratic, it can be aristocratic. To be controlled by aristocratic rulers is less uncomfortable.

The absolute paradox is that true aristocratic rulers also offer you the classical/aristocratic/timeless education so you might escape them definitely & definitively. But the ball is in your court, you have to play.

To play dialectically speaking.

●●● The Timeless Law manifest in Time guiding any open Devoted Aristocratic Oligarchy is : MIGHT SERVING RIGHT.

For the MIGHT SERVING RIGHT Timeless Principle to manifest in Time for a given person, at least the fourth floor of his mind needs to be open; ideally also the fifth & the sixth floors (layers) of his mind.

● 4th floor : Beauty in Timelessness /translated as Justice in Time


● 5th floor : Goodness in Timelessness /translated as Valor & Moderation in Time


● 6th : Truth in Timelessness/translated as Wisdom in Time


THE PRIMARY CAUSE underlying the rise & fall of nations, has been alluded to even if Yanis Varufakis did not use the words *open Devoted Aristocratic Oligarchy* (open DAO).

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