A Bridge Too Far. By: Peter Koenig

The collapse, at about 1 AM on 26 March 2024, of the Francis Scott Key Bridge (FSB) in Baltimore, spanning the 2.4 km large Patapsco River, is a mystery as of this day. The river is used by massive cargo ships from Baltimore Harbor to reach the Chesapeake Bay and then the Atlantic Ocean and in reverse.

The story goes that the downfall of the bridge was caused by the container ship “The Dali” hitting one of the bridges two main pilons – in the deep of night, 1 AM, when few witnesses were around.

And one may question, who made the endlessly shown same video of the collapse?

The Merchant Vessel (MV) “The Dali”, Singapore-registered, was apparently headed for Sri Lanka, coming from the Baltimore harbor, the 14th largest in the US, but the nation’s largest and most important port for specialized cargo and passenger facilities. See this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_of_Baltimore .

The Dali is about 300 meters long, can carry 10,000 standard-size containers (6 m long) and weighs empty 95,000 tons. The ship was carrying about 4,700 containers with an average weight of 2.5 tons / container, total cargo weight approximately 12,000 tons. The sluggishly slow speed of The Dali, about 14 km/h, with its total weight of roughly 110,000 tons supposedly rammed one of the main pillars of the FSB, and brought the entire bridge down within seconds. The entire structure collapsed as if it was made of matchsticks.

The Dali is owned by Singapore-based Grace Ocean Private Ltd. It is managed by Synergy Marine Pte Ltd., also based in Singapore. The MV Dali was built in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries, and completed in 2015, for Oceanbulk Container Management of Greece.

As of March 2024, the vessel is chartered by Maersk (Danish). The captain of The Dali, when it hit the bridge was supposedly Ukrainian.

Protocol demands that a Chesapeake Bay pilot is on board to guide large vessels in and out of the harbor. Was this the case with MV Dali?

Strangely, The Dali ship’s black box has 2-minutes of missing data right before it crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge. How convenient. See this https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1773407414760374548

Synergy Marine Group is said to have strong business links to China, though no further explanations are given, other than apparently a growing number of Synergy Marine Group’s managed vessels are owned by China, and secondarily, because a large portion of Dali’s cargo from-and-to is between China and the United States.

There is no clear evidence on either. The destination of Dali, leaving Baltimore harbor at mid-night was supposedly Sri Lanka.

See this https://joehoft.com/breaking-exclusive-synergy-marine-group-managed-ship-that-hit-baltimore-bridge-and-has-a-strong-business-relationship-with-china-it-specializes-in-remote-system-monitoring/ . Joe Hoft, author of this article, also claims that China specializes in “Remote System Monitoring”, meaning in straight language “cyber-attacks”. But again, no justification for this accusation is given.

The complexity of flag-registration, ownership, management, construction, destination after construction, ship-chartering, is so confusing and complex that most readers will roll their eyes and stop thinking.

The first reaction by General Mike Flynn was that “the accident” was a Black Swan event, similar to 9/11 – with financial and political implications way beyond what meets the eye.

“Black Swan” means an extremely negative event that suddenly appears from nowhere, unpredicted, and unstoppable. The term is most often used in the world of finance. See this interview by “Redacted” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKp04zqZeHk .

Currently an almost uncountable number of rumors, “conspiracy theories”, accusations, innuendos, are making the round. None is fully substantiated.

“China Did It”
One that could immediately be expected is, China Did It. That stems from another pretense without proof, that it was a cyber-attack, and China apparently is specialized in cyber-science, leading to “cyber-attacks”; pure western hypothesis and unproven accusation.

Geopolitical analyst, Lara Logan from “Real America’s Voice”, refers to inside information (no source given, though) to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) being behind this attack. When asked whether it was a terrorist group or a state actor, she said clearly, “100% a state actor” – and meant China. But nothing is substantiated. See this https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1772805771069157771

China is a logical target for western blames. It is either – Russia, Russia, Russia! – or – China, China, China! – Most often there is no proof, just western propaganda-indoctrinated hatred. As so often, Tavistock at its best. See this (19) Chuck Callesto on X: “BOMBSHELL REPORT: ⚠️ Exclusive intel reveals that the attack on Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge was a TERRORIST ATTACK launched by the Chinese Communist Party on American soil, using “remote towing” technology on the  “The DALI”. DEVELOPING.. https://t.co/Ug2tEcTYUi” / X (twitter.com) .

Tavistock is a UK-based agency known for its science of social engineering and mind manipulation, perfected during the last about eight decades. Tavistock is closely linked to the Pentagon thinktank, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

Tavistock is responsible for many, if not most of the lies with which western societies have been brainwashed over the past decades, to believe the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) and the UN Agenda 2030 deception theories for world dominance, by a One World Order or a One World Government, is a good thing; that the elite’s silly-sounding, non-explicit slogan, of “build back better”, is good for society. It never says, what needs to be built back better, first must be destroyed, clearly expressed by the Club of Rome’s “First Global Revolution” (1991).

Most westerners do not know, that an aggressive act like the downing of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, is not China’s way. Historically and philosophically, China does not know aggression western style. China is reserved, discrete, diplomatic, mediating, and does not mingle in other countries’ business and politics. China can de facto and de jure be excluded from the list of potential suspects.

Operation Bridge Takedown

More plausible versions are to be looked for “US-internally”, as in “false flag”. If it was indeed a cyber-attack that knocked out the ships navigation system and replaced it with remote cyber-guidance, one would have to ask, who has control of cybersecurity in the port?

CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) oversees cyber security. According to Whitney Webb, CISA is controlled by Israel’s Mossad with CIA and MI6. Just like 9/11, the Deep State intelligence cartel.

See also this transcript of a podcast of Whitney Webb and Clayton Morris on Redacted, discussing Cyberreason, an outfit with close ties to Israeli Intelligence and its role in CISA activities – https://app.podscribe.ai/episode/94043670 .

CISA was created in November 2018 by then President Trump. The law was enhanced by President Biden’s Executive Order (EO) 14028, “Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity” in May 2021.

Cybereason is an Israeli / Zionist agency – renown for doing “election simulations”, but being closely linked to CISA.

CISA works under the Coast Guard and CG is under the military’s oversight – so CISA (Israel) and the US military are working together. CISA is the “Deep State”, the Cabal’s cyber agency, embedded everywhere.

Journalist Whitney Webb is also referring to a Klaus Schwab (WEF) quote of a few years ago, when he talked about a coming “cyber pandemic”; and also, to the 2023 Obama movie “Leave this World Behind” – “predictive planning”, exactly what a diabolical Cult needs to do for its success.

See trailer (2-min clip) of “Leave this World Behind” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMVBi_e8o-Y and this, ending scene of Leave the World Behind (3-min clip) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbvvGYBTCFY

Here is yet another theory. The taking down of the FSB is another 9/11. This interview with Ann Vandersteel, from Peak Prosperity, is pretty revealing —  Peak Prosperity Podcast – America’s Burning Edge with Ann Vandersteel (youtube.com).  She says it is not the Russians or the Chinese. The southern border crisis and destruction of borders globally is part of the One World Government agenda. It is not a war on the US specifically; she says the US is just “in the way”.

They discuss “The Declaration of North America,” signed by Biden, Trudeau (Canada) and Obrador (Mexico) in Jan. 2023, basically a revival of the Amero idea, no borders between Canada, the US and Mexico. See this Declaration of North America (DNA) | The White House.

The collapsed bridge and the ensuing consequences is a needed disruption in American life – a borderless world, beginning with a borderless North America. It would be yet another step towards a One World Order (OWO).

All of this leads to believe the “accident” with the container cargo vessel “The Dali” ramming into one of the key pilons of the Francis Scott Key Bridge Baltimore, was not really an accident, but an event of auto-destruction, comparable to 9/11 – with economic and political implications way beyond US borders.

Now comes the bombshell. The State of the Nation says, hard evidence is now pouring in which conclusively proves that the staged Baltimore Bridge collapse after the cargo ship hit was a deliberate sabotage carried out by all the usual suspects.”

The video shows explosives going off all over the bridge exactly at the time when The Dali hit one of bridge’s the pillars. See video https://stateofthenation.co/?p=219761 .

If this video proofs true – if ever any evidence of truth emerges – an auto-coup, self-destruction to build back better – the effects are going to be indeed similar to 9/11 – with implications worldwide.

Just look at the physical similarity. Airplanes hit the World Trade Towers. A cargo vessel hits a key pilon of an important bridge. Transportation and Trade in both cases.

Remarkably, Peggy Hall of TheHealthyAmerican, points to the strangeness of the FSK Bridge collapse. Her video, the one forever repeated video, of the sluggish moving MV Dali in direction of the bridge, what looks to be a sharp turn towards the pilon, shows that the moving 110,000 ton vessel leaves no ripples in the water, no splashing from the bow of the ship, the vessel looks like gliding over a mirror, and the splashes when Dali hits the pilon are relatively minor, as well as the immediate collapse of the entire bridge – like built on matchsticks – all very unusual.

She says the video appears like a very poorly made video game. See this 8-minute video-clip with Peggy Hall commenting https://www.bitchute.com/video/uEbDenl3dho/ . At the end she promises continuing her investigation and publish the research.

Maybe her next video will also show the explosives going off all over the bridge – reminiscent of the explosives going off under the structures and in the lower walls of the World Trade Center towers, when the supposed airplanes hit the buildings.
Supply Chain Failures

This attack on the FSK Bridge is also an attack on the Baltimore harbor, meaning an economic disaster, a supply chain disruption for the US and worldwide – food shortages, possibly famine – playing right into the Great Reset’s and the UN Agenda’s 2030 depopulation agenda.

The Baltimore port is one of the busiest on the US East Coast and the most important one for special cargos. It connects any point of the US East Coast through highway I-95 that runs all the way from Florida to Canada.

With the Baltimore port out of container service at least for several years – who knows for how long? – cargo vessels may have to be rerouted via New York, and other East Coast Sea ports, a massive cost to the US economy and a supply chain disruption affecting the world beyond the US. See this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB1nrh4Njcg

In the United States, the bridge collapse may be the beginning of a series of cyber-based “false flags” – possibly leading to Biden declaring Martial Law, suspending the 2024 Presidential elections.

The globalist Deep State cabal, seeking desperately to install the New World Order, needs to sow disorder, confusion, disruption, chaos, in every sphere of western life. It must destroy to build back better, according to the wishes of a small elite that pretends to rule the new world, with a drastically reduced population. This is their goal, after implementation of their long-planned Reset which is congruent with the United Nation’s Agenda2030.

Just to know, the UN has long ceased to be what it was created for – an institution to promote and work for Peace in the World.

As a reminder – this nefarious Dark Cult has an iron rule to follow. For their success, they must tell us in advance – in any confusing way they want – what they are planning to do. We were warned about cyber-attacks, we were warned about virus “X”, we were warned about “global climate change”, meaning in clear text, but not said, geoengineered weaponized extreme weather patterns throughout the world. See this https://www.globalresearch.ca/geoengineering-weapon-mass-destruction-solving-climate-crisis-bad-business-worse-politics/5853186 .

They have stuck to that rule, like an iron fist hitting for the future. So far, we just have not cared taking it seriously.

We the People, MUST resist this planned diabolical takeover.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

2 Responses to “A Bridge Too Far. By: Peter Koenig

  • Harfang67
    4 months ago

    You’ve said it all: “We the People must RESIST this planned diabolical takeover”. I don’t know how you’re organized but this “Cult cabal” is extremely dangerous. As I read yesterday on Richard Solomon’s post on UnzReview, these leaders and their accolites have to feel/know that their lives are on the hit list, period.

  • Peter Koenig
    4 months ago

    Yes, they are extremely dangerous.
    And we the People, do not have the resources, financially and in weaponry (Blackrock et al, and the military industrial complex of the west) to fight them with their means. Nor would it be practical.

    But we have our spiritual force, our conscience, we strive not for the same low-vibrating aggressions to gain material wealth and power, we strive simply for our freedom, freedom and sovereign way to live.

    And more… if we hate them – its difficult not to hate them – we vibrate on the same low frequency they do. They know that. They want us to hate them, so we cannot escape their grip. That’s the biggest challenge we have… feel outside of their realm. Making our own lives, according to our will power to seek the light, as they are in the darkness. What they are doing is following a dark or death cult.

    Our positive thinking and striving for the light connects with others throughout the world, even if we are not together – and they connect with others. Until we have a “critical mass” of spiritual strength.

    And we shall overcome. Sometimes I have the feeling there is a tug of war between the light and darkness, now more than ever – and the light is gradually moving ahead.

    That’s Tao teaching.

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