Putin and Xi say goodbye to the West and shout WELCOME to Eurasia and humanity’s Global Majority. 500 years of imperial-colonial rape and plunder and coming to an end!

Bedrock joint statement on 4 February 2022 Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global...

Ben’s hot-off-the-press talking point outline!

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week with China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob...

China’s Gold Holdings are MUCH MUCH MORE  than she admits

China’s Gold Holdings are MUCH MUCH MORE than she admits

. Listen to a true Gold expert, Dominic Frisby.

Hegemony versus Preeminence : Domination versus Win-Win attitude among unequal partners

Hegemony versus Preeminence : Domination versus Win-Win attitude among unequal partners

John Mearsheimer is the perfect American imperialist. But guess what ? He’s a rock star in Beijing within the Chinese...

THE ROOT CAUSE of the present global tension and why China was never wiped out and will not collapse

THE ROOT CAUSE of the present global tension and why China was never wiped out and will not collapse

An interesting idea offered by Professor Wen Yang, researcher with the China Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai.

Russia and China forming unprecedented Alliance

Russia and China forming unprecedented Alliance

Xi Jinping & Vladimir Putin tasting tea at Zhongnanhai

Xi Jinping & Vladimir Putin tasting tea at Zhongnanhai

The hug at the end appears clumsy in my eyes. But clumsy doesn’t mean insincere. Xi Jinping is not the...

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin sign China-Russia strategic partnership in Beijing

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin sign China-Russia strategic partnership in Beijing

Unbecoming American: Hell in a very small place

Unbecoming American: Hell in a very small place

Hell: the creditor of last resort Note: While I was writing this I thought about many things I experienced and...

President Vladimir Putin’s 20th State Visit to China

President Vladimir Putin’s 20th State Visit to China

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin just landed in Beijing. He declared to CGTN’s (China Global TV Network) Wang Guan : ”...