It’s not just COVID. In suitcases and postal packages, Uncle Slaughter keeps attacking China with bioweapons. This has been going on for a long time.

Video link to watch. Transcript is at the end of this post.

Audio podcast,

Be sure to check out the Bioweapon Truth Commission and its FREE Global Online Library! I am a co-founder and its curator.


It’s all here: The China Rising Radio Sinoland Covid-19, Chemical and Bioweapon File, Film and Tape Library – CHINA RISING RADIO SINOLAND (

It is important to know that there is ZERO evidence that the USSR/Russia and China have ever used chemical weapons or bioweapons. All CW-BW attacks have been and continue to be perpetrated by the USA and its vassals.

Known US bioweapon attacks on China

Extract from my book review of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up: The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race” (,

1937-1945: Japanese germ warfare killed at least 500,000-800,000 Chinese.
1951-1952: USA attacks China and North Korea with bioweapons (
2003: USA attacks China with SARS.
2009 Swine flu.
2013 Avian flu.
2017-2019: China attacked with waves of avian flu and swine fever.
2019: USA attacks China with COVID-19 in Wuhan ( and

Page(s) 267-272; 2016-2023; JJB: this is an excellent, up-to-date event timeline. However, it leaves out very important bioweapon attacks in China. In 2009, China had very unnatural spreads of swine flu. Ditto avian flu in 2013. They both had the hallmark signs of bioweapon attacks. Coincidence or not, right after Trump got into the White House in 2016, China was hit with a string of avian flu and swine fever epidemics that defied all norms of epidemiological spread. Over the next two years, through 2019, much of the country’s poultry flocks and pig herds were wiped out, the world’s largest. These 2009-2019 attacks cost the Chinese economy tens of billions of dollars – and no coincidence – China was forced to import millions of tons of pork and poultry, principally from the USA and Europe. Surprise, surprise! I covered this at the time

( and

This helps explain China’s 24/7 vigilance again BW attacks, starting in 1937 with the Japanese.

2006: apple aphids

2021: fruit flies


Scientific paper showing that fruit flies can be used to carry dangerous human microbes = bioweapons,

Human pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses in Drosophila – PMC (


Jeff J. Brown: Hello, everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown China Rising Radio Sinoland, the founder of Seek Truth from Facts Foundation, and founder of also the China Writers Group. And as you will see, I’m a co-founder and the curator of the Bioweapon Truth Commission. Today’s article and podcast is entitled “It’s Not Just COVID in Suitcases and Postal Packages, Uncle Slaughter Keeps Attacking China with Bioweapons”. It has been going on for a long time. And there’s the symbol of the Bioweapon Truth Commission.

Above be sure to check out the Bioweapon Truth Commission and its free Global Online Library. I am a co-founder and curator. There’s the website. Also, it’s all here the China Rising Radio Sinoland Covid 19 Chemical and Bioweapon File, Film and Tape Library. I set this up after the United States attacked the Chinese in Wuhan in 2019 at the World Military Games. And I was working with Metallic Man. We did some reports together which are all included in this.

I got a few things wrong at the very beginning but we are sure on the mark as far as where Covid started and how got distributed in China. The title of the list is US Bioweapon Attacks on China. This is an extract from my book review of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race”. And here’s the link. It’s a really good book.

But obviously with the flag of China on the front and replacing the gold stars with coronaviruses on the book cover, it’s obviously meant to make sure that you tell everybody that it was started by the Chinese. However, if you read my book review, you will see that it is not the Chinese that started it. It was the Americans starting back in 1945. And they haven’t stopped since. And they’ve been weaponizing Covid since the 1960s.

All of this is shown in my book review of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book. But a brief summary. From 1937 to 1945, the Japanese germ warfare killed at least 500 and some estimated up to 800,000 Chinese. Let that sink in for a minute. Half a million Chinese were massacred by the Japanese Imperial Army from 1937 to 1945 in mainland China. 1951 to 1952, the USA attacks China and North Korea with bioweapons. Again, if you don’t know that, you need to know. I will leave the link for Thomas Powell’s new book.

I just interviewed him recently. It’s an incredible book, and he proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the United States attacked North Korea and China with bioweapons during the Korean War. 2003, the USA attacked China with SARS. Again, if you don’t believe me, then get into the Bioweapon Truth Commission Global Online Library, and check out SARS. It’s pretty obvious what happened. Of course, the United States just denies, denies, denies. denies. And the Europeans work with them.

And in unison, they say no, no, no, no. And they’ve been able to get away with it ever since then. In 2009, China had a wave of swine flu, and in 2013 a wave of avian flu. The reason they know that their bioweapon attacks, typically, if it’s a natural outbreak, it starts in a small area and starts to spread out. The government and the people find out about it, they quarantine the area. It might skip out of that area into another area and they’ll keep quarantining and it’ll eventually be brought under control.

You know that it’s a bioweapon when all of a sudden in a country the size of China, there are swine, there are pigs getting swine flu and poultry getting avian flu simultaneously all over the country. That is where people are spreading bioweapons, the flu bugs amongst the herds in different parts of the country at the same time. And then from 2017 to 2019, China was attacked with waves of avian flu and swine fever simultaneously.

And again, this is something that Metallic Man and I reported on early on in 2019 and 2020. And of course, what’s fascinating is, what does China have to do, it costs them billions and billions and billions of dollars in dollar equivalence. China, of course, is the biggest swine producer and the biggest poultry and egg producer in the world. So, having to wipe out hundreds of millions of animals, costs the country billions and billions of dollars equivalents.

And what do they have to do? They have to import meat and eggs. And where do they have to import them from? Oh, from the United States. Oh, how convenient. What do you know? And then in 2019, the USA attacked China with Covid 19, in Wuhan. Again, if you don’t know that, you can either read my book review or get into Robert F. Kennedy’s book, which details it and lays it out point by point. Or you can get into the Bioweapon Truth Commission and check out the COVID-19 directory.

In his book, pages 267 to 272, 2016 to 2023 I said this is an excellent up-to-date event timeline that’s in the book. However, it leaves out very important bioweapon attacks in China. In 2009, China had a very unnatural spreads of swine flu. Ditto avian flu in 2013. They both had the hallmark signs of bioweapon attacks. Coincidence or not right after Trump got into the White House in 2016, China was hit with a string of avian flu and swine fever epidemics that defied all norms of epidemiological spread.

Over the next two years through 2019, much of the country’s poultry flocks and pig herds were wiped out by the world’s largest. These 2009 to 2019 attacks cost the Chinese economy tens of billions of dollars. No coincidence, China was forced to import millions of tons of pork and poultry, principally from the USA and Europe. Surprise, surprise! I covered this at the time and I’ve got a couple of links for you to look at. This helps explain China’s 24/7 vigilance against bioweapon attacks starting in 1937 with the Japanese.

So, this has been going on for a long time for the Chinese. And then I saw you’ll see at the end here, there’s a tweet which I’ll talk about, and oh yeah, I remember that. And so, I went back and just found a couple more. 2006, apple aphids, they found apple aphids. These are in Chinese I’m sorry, but they’re just not reported in the West. But apple aphids were found in packages coming from the United States. And again, aphids cost the apple industry billions and billions of dollars equivalents.

And China produces a lot of apples, especially in Shandong the province where Confucius was born and lived. Then in 2021, they found fruit flies in a suitcase. I think it was either a suitcase or a postal package. There’s even a two-minute Chinese video for you to look at, just to see what’s going on. And then in 2024, this is what sparked my memory, is that the US was caught trying to bring biological weapons into China to devastate Chinese farming.

And again, these people say, oh, well, fruit flies are harmless. Well, no, they’re not harmless. First off, they do incredible damage to crops depending on the species that are brought in. As I point out at the bottom, scientific papers show that fruit flies can be used to carry dangerous human microbes, in other words, bioweapons. So, whoever these people are, these mules who were hired to bring this stuff in or to ship this stuff into China are bringing in bioweapons and fruit flies, they inoculate the fruit flies.

They stay alive and they can inoculate them with dangerous human pathogens and then release the fruit flies and like in an area where there’s a densely populated area, the fruit flies get on the fruit whatever human pathogen is on them, gets on the fruit, and then the people catch the virus or the bacteria. And I actually have a National Institutes of Health paper that shows and the title is Human Pathogenic Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses in Drosophila. Drosophila is the scientific name for fruit flies.

So, the United States with the help of Europe and its other bootlicking vessels are participating daily in war crimes. Not only biological warfare but chemical warfare. We can go back to the Iran-Iraq War (1980 to 1988). Iraq was losing and the United States and Europe gave Saddam Hussein the chemical weapon production equipment and then gave him the satellite maps to show where the Iranian troops were so that he could bomb them with chemical weapons. This is all basically, Saddam Hussein is a proxy, just like Israel.

Usraehell is a proxy for the United States to try to destroy the Arab world. And Ukraine is a proxy to try to destroy Russia. Saddam Hussein was used to stop the Iranians during that war. In fact, they were winning it. And after the United States and Europe exterminated 80,000 to 100,000 Iranians with chemical weapons, they decided to call it a truce. They stopped and called a truce. And, of course, the United States helped Saddam Hussein even before that to bring in the equipment and manufacture chemical weapons so that he could gas Kurds who were trying to gain independence from Iraq.

We can go to the chemical weapon fake False Flag in Syria where they blamed Syria for the chemical weapon attack which was obviously a blatant False Flag because Syria had already gotten rid of all of its chemical weapons. They had none left and it was certified by the international organization to what is it, the op, something chemical weapons. So, they had no chemical weapons, but somehow a bomb, you know, went off.

And of course, it was the United States so that they could use that as an excuse for the United States and Europe to bomb Syria you know, the right to protect. So anyway, I just want I see this stuff in the media. I think it’s important that people know that the United States, with the help of the West and its bootlicking vassals has been and continues to attack its many most of the world as the West enemy.

And so, they are continuing to use bioweapons and chemical weapons without stopping. And this has been incredibly covered in the Bioweapon Truth Commission. James Bradley and I did a number of shows about this with our JB West and JB East Present: See you in The Hague. I’ll leave all these links for you to take a look at. And I have written so much about bioweapon use by the United States. I’m sort of blue in the face but it’s something that you need to realize. Your governments are committing war crimes.

Germans were hanged for much, much less in Nuremberg. What the West is doing has killed and continues to kill millions and millions of people. Tens of millions of people going back to the 1940s. So, I don’t know what to tell you how to do something about it, but the only way to start solving this and stopping it is to get the information out there. So please share this. This is Jeff J. Brown signing out. Bye-bye.

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