The world’s best knowledge collective has just gotten better. Please welcome Ramin Mazaheri to the China Writers’ Group!

Ramin Mazaheri needs no introduction really.

He is the author of three books. His first one, I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China compared the BIG Red Book on China to the classic university text by John K. Fairbank, China: A New History. No surprise, with it telling the story of the Chinese people from their point of view, BIG Red Book on China came out on top!

He then wrote an outstanding book called, Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism. It should be a must read for everybody who wants to understand one of the world’s most influential, savvy and powerful countries. In it, he brilliantly compares and contrasts Iran’s Basij movement to the Communist Party of China.

His last book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values is about the Yellow Vests, but it goes all the way back to the French Revolution and ties these two events seamlessly, with all of the other connected global events in between.

Ramin’s books can be found here (

Ramin was a house writer for The Saker for many years, until that website shut down last year. He continues to be a staff reporter for Press TV, where he has been their boots on the ground journalist for the last 10 years in Paris. Using both video and written articles, follow all his work here (

Ramin has graced the China Rising Radio Sinoland website a number of times, all of which you can find here, (

So, welcome to Ramin Mazaheri in the China Writers’ Group (!

Take a look at the roster of outstanding talent above ( I think you will agree that you will not find a more fascinating, more informative and more plugged-in team of knowledge and global experience anywhere on the Internet.

Thank you,

Jeff J. Brown

Founder of China Writers’ Group and Seek Truth From Facts Foundation

Both found here, (

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