Unbecoming American: There are individual men and women and there are families. But for how long?

Some people are still complaining- rightly- about the penetration of women’s competitive sports (along with prisons and school lavatories). There is a strong temptation to see this as some bizarre fashion against which too many officials lack the courage to resist. In fact I do not believe this is cowardice. There are cowards up front but they dont make policy. Look what happened at Penn and Harvard. Normally immune CEOs at these elite kindergartens were sacked for failure to behave like “trannies” toward students who dared to protest the mass murder in Palestine. (The mass murder and displacement in the entire Middle East and Ukraine (by Kiev not Russia) has induced far less outrage. This is despite (or perhaps because) the enrichment by serial murderers like George Soros who back the causes they have learned to blindly support.
It is particularly egregious since these students go into debt to in the hope of joining the ruling cadre and are essentially customers of these hedge funds.
For the purposes of argument let us say that the same tiny sadist elite holds the purse for all major ideological institutions. Competitive sports is a central tool for mass indoctrination.
Social engineering is based on multiple layers of indoctrination and structural organisation, whether labor process or reproduction. The outrage over transgender terror cannot be suppressed by gassing women and healthy heterosexual men. As yet there are no reliable replacements. So just as sports sell products they can sell weapons. NASCAR races are traditional promotion for the military. They also support the creation of masses of „losers” who engage in vicarious triumph through the selected heroes in each discipline.
Hence it is imperative to disrupt and undermine all forms of natural life and that is done through pharmaments and restructuring of the indoctrination organs, to which sports belong because they are mass spectator operations. The military is already in the midst of an advanced stage.
Sports are central to consumption programming too. Identity and hence identity politics is nothing less than the marketing of recombinant genetic engineering. Dependent on corporate managed consumption, identity can be created and erased like software updates. After all software is the digital extraction of human intellectual labor- no less exploitative than using children to crack coal or other extractive operations. Amazon is the template for a digital synthetic culture. The 2020-21 lockdowns were the test field for “digital enclosures”.
It may take a while until the entire competitive sports sector has been reorganized around anti-human values but the campaign is very aggressive. On the fringe are disciplines like robot football. Robot soldier prototypes are in advanced stages too.
Hollywood has been selling this vision for decades now. When real humans die off through wars and pharmaments combined with poisoned foods, the social structures will be complete to subordinate the remaining humans to planned obsolescence.
There is a certain tragedy in the 19th century struggle to assert the value of labor above all those who actually perform it. The sincere effort to eliminate oppression of women and children has resulted in the destruction of the social bonds which sustained human life- as opposed to abstract surplus value. Equally tragic is the conversion of the idea of “liberty” into “libertinism” (anticipated in de Sade’s Philosophy in the Bedroom). When in the ideological battle against socialism, the Anglo-American propagandists recognized that “capitalism” was not something workers and peasants would die to protect, they invented “free enterprise” and declared workers and peasants to be “capitalists” investing their “human capital” freely– which they could not do under socialism. Then the emerging mass movements for racial equality, anti-colonialism, and equal rights for both sexes, were subsumed by narcissistic “free realization of human potential”. “Freeing” peasants from the land and women from child bearing has not benefited either as a group. Even today we can see that the benefits promised by such relief have been hoarded by the ruling class. Feminists who had fought to extend to all women the legal rights and privileges granted or acknowledged for men were replaced by those who argue that there is no such thing as a woman or a man. Freedom is to be free of the body– an old Christian obsession retained by those who assert that they want to be free from Latin dogma. To be free, however is not an abstract state. Freedom or liberty are human properties that only make sense in specific social and historical contexts. While most of the world’s population is very clear about what a “man” is or what a “woman” is, some 0.01% of the population– not necessarily the same people but about the same percentage as those who claim to own the planet– insist that human freedom is ultimately measured by the liberation of the libido. The effective end of repression directed at homosexual activity and the gradual regularization of same-sex legal partnerships (marriage equivalents in civil law) yielded an apparently unexpected consequence. While the abolition of legal barriers for women and ethnic minorities exposed physicians, lawyers, engineers, and unfortunately also warmakers, to the stock previously dominated by males, the “liberation” of the libido did not prove that half the population had been previously prevented from seeking their fellow man or woman instead of the coupling that still prevail among most of the planet’s population. Despite being “free” to fornicate regardless of biological sex and to contract civil unions, the great latency expected has not been manifest. Hence, not unlike their “capitalist” paragons, the champions of homosexuality and all its peripheral or parallel deviations from the biological reproductive routines of mammalian mating have allied with propagandists of free enterprise to concoct an ideology by which not only are all homo sapiens latent capitalists but also latent homosexuals. Just as workers were to be coopted into the ruse that their labor is also a form of capital they are free to invest for profit (a mere wage), human organisms are born free to engage in whatever erotic stimulation they wish– even before they are able to walk– and thus with the help of the medical and pharmaments sectors can “be all they can be” (to recall a US Army recruiting slogan). The liberation of capitalists in the spirit of free enterprise (also a ferry that sank under Margaret Thatcher’s deregulation), i.e. the 0.01% is to be matched by the liberation of the libertines, i.e. 0.01% too. That liberation is to be obtained by means of the transgender regime stealthily introduced by statute and regulation. Just as the vast majority is forced to support capitalist “free enterprise”, the same vast majority of the planet is to be compelled to define liberty, not as Malcolm X said– for real human beings– but as the freedom of legal entities and the denatured organisms, genetically, chemically or surgically engineered to dominate the new feudal order.
In short by isolating nominal freedoms and promoting them to destroy the social fabric, the context is undermined in which those freedoms might actually mean something.
The once helpful analytical tool by which systems of domination and exploitation were shown not to be natural, but the product of ruling class violence has now been appropriated so that ordinary human activity is defined as an artificial social construct. The difference between the critical theory and the current ideology lies in the definition of human life as artificial while its management by the ruling oligarchs is elevated as natural. The pretenders to divinity in their mountain retreats have turned critique into a strategy for destroying human society as living environment. Margaret Thatcher was not exaggerating when she said there is no “society”.* Her ostensibly libertarian assertion belied the fact that corporations under her long reign were very well a “society” from which she and her family personally benefited- unlike Yorkshire miners. The aim of her handlers was to destroy it. It is the organisational complement to genetics and recombinant biological manipulation. That is also why it is not too harsh to properly apply Daniel Goldberg‘s banal and mendacious term “willing executioners” but to the Wokie Dokies rather than some fictional Germans under NSDAP rule.** They were persuaded to collude in the extermination of the old under the Covid War.
The “third way”, a chimera propagated by Tony Blair and Bill Clinton and still churned by Soros’ alma mater the LSE, triumphed as the cult of the new trans-human millennium. Its principal pathology is exhibited in the myopia that induces it innumerable people-not just acolytes- to support the depopulation of Ukraine and the Middle East- that is the function for which the same people created Israel and the Zelensky regime. Bound by the malignant nihilism of their masters they may be embarrassed by the crudity of the current campaign in Palestine but they support albeit unwittingly their own redundancy and obliteration. First they will cheer the carnage as purification. By the time they are led to the slaughterhouse it will be too late.
* “They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours.” – in an interview in Women’s Own in 1987
** Daniel Goldberg, Hitler’s Willing Executioners (1996), a book quickly debunked as holocaust porn but not before it served its scandalous function to manipulate political debate in Germany.
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