Unbecoming American: Preventable Death

Preventable death
We should be clear about one thing. Death is not preventable. In fact it is assured. Even David Rockefeller, third generation patriarch of the gangster family on the Hudson, bit the dust at 101 in 2017. There may be some of his kind with ambitions of greater longevity but Daoist immortality has so far escaped them. However we may find that the improvements rendered notorious by Christiaan Barnard’s surgical experiments may reach a level to satisfy the most Methuselahaic of our ruling oligarchy. Perhaps some of these ancients are still around us nostalgically forcing the world back to the century in which they were born. Meanwhile the rest of us expire after shelf lives between 60 and 90 years.
In 1946, Simone de Beauvoir published a fine, little novel called All Men are Mortal (Tous les hommes sont mortels). The hero of her fable, Raimon Fosca, is a loyal patriot of his Italian city-state who desperate for a means to lift a deadly siege accepts a potion from a man who says it will give immortality. At first he is sceptical, suspecting the vial contains poison. When a mouse on whom he has tested it recovers from a mortal blow, Fosca is convinced. Yet he asks why the man has not taken it himself. He tells Fosca that he just could not dare. Fosca dismisses the man’s cowardice and after drinking all the potion escapes the city. He is able to lift the siege and becomes a hero to his home city. The story continues to relate Fosca’s adventures.
The book does not begin in the castle of the besieged Italian city. It opens with a group of holidaymakers in the countryside. One of whom is a successful actress of great ambition named Regine. She notices in the course of those proverbially long August vacation seasons in France that on the terrace of a nearby house lies a man in a chaise longe, day and night with no sign of moving. Tired of watching this scene from the house where she is staying, she goes to the house and manages to reach the man she has been watching for days. Her opening question is what does the man do and why does he lie in this position, on the terrace in a chaise longe apparently every day. She explains how much she has to do to promote her acting career and how surely a man of his age—he appears somewhere in his late thirties or early 40s—must have great plans and potential.
He replies that he has no need to do anything else. In fact doing anything else is pointless. Regine cannot understand how doing anything could be pointless. Fosca then tells his life story, one spanning roughly five hundred years. Fosca is a patrician and his newly won immortality not only permitted him to save his city but to perform incredible feats for a succession of princes, monarchs and emperors. In each context he offered his services to the potentate. Each time he fell in love. However he never grew old. His patrons died. Their empires withered. His lovers died as did his children. He survived. After the recitation of all these accomplishments he explains to Regine that there is no point in anything he has done. His greatest accomplishments all collapsed. He survived everyone he ever loved. In the end his message to Regine is that immortality is a curse. When all is said and done no one will survive on the planet except him and the mouse he fed the same potion.
Fosca abandons every form of activity because his immortality invests everything with indifference. On the other hand, he notices the passion and the importance attached to everything by those whose life is finite—whether or not they are aware of death all the time. He in turn cannot imagine anything surviving him. At the end of the story, Regine is overwhelmed and unable to contemplate the consequences of the immortality Fosca describes.
The Western pursuit of immortality is also an obsession with the power exercised over life and its conditions. The immortal—whether literally or fictively imagined—do not understand present value since they imagine that in their world without death nothing else is eternal.
On 26 July 2024, it was reported by UN News that the fascist parastatal, World Health Organization, announced that more than a million doses of a polio vaccine was being sent to Gaza “after the discovery of the highly infectious disease in sewage samples”. According to the press report, the corrupt former Ethiopian government minister, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, appointed as director general of the pharmaments consortium dba as a United Nations agency said although no cases of polio had been recorded, it was “just a matter of time before it reaches the thousands of children who have been left unprotected.” Dr Ayadil Saparbekov, named as “team lead for health emergencies at WHO in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, was to have warned that “the spread of polio and other communicable disease could lead to more people dying of preventable illness than from war-related injuries—currently 39,000, according to local health authorities.” Allegedly vaccine-derived poliovirus type two had been identified in sewage samples taken from cities bombarded by the IDF, the terrorist forces of the occupying regime in Tel Aviv.
On 26 August 2024, UN News reported that 1.2 million doses of vital polio vaccines had arrived in besieged Gaza, Palestine. “More than 640,000 children are targeted to receive the polio type two (nOPV) vaccines”, according to UNICEF sources quoted in the press report. The occupying and besieging regime in Tel Aviv dba the State of Israel announced through its agency COGAT that vaccine shipments had arrived in Gaza and that the vaccination campaign would be conducted in coordination with its combined terror forces as part of their “routine” humanitarian activity.
In a century of cynicism and public amnesia, even the language used by those engaged in this operation—which ought to induce moral outrage—scarcely elicits curiosity. Naturally there are the usual suspects censored, ignored and/or maligned, i.e. the people who have been opposed to the permanent occupation and siege of Palestine by the settler-colonial entity in Tel Aviv combined with those who have been monitoring the belligerence of the pharmaments industry, who have objected, not to meaningful healthcare measures but to the fact that this WHO operation is anything but meaningful healthcare, let alone humanitarian. The criticisms deserve to be summarized because together they indicate the type and scope of full-spectrum warfare against the majority of humanity that has been intensifying as we speak.
The most obvious criticism asks how is it possible that the Tel Aviv regime and its terrorist forces are willing to permit a campaign for polio vaccination of Palestinian children while multiple eyewitness reports testify to those forces targeting children deliberately with lethal lead vaccinations, i.e. shooting them dead? This apparent incoherence is obfuscated mainly by the method of segregated reporting characteristic of most journalistic practice. That is the WHO actions and the operations on the ground are described in texts, broadcasts, and other media separately from whatever reports are filed about the assassinations, bombing and other killing activities by Tel Aviv’s terrorists. This results partly from intentional deception but also from the organisation of work in the industry, where subject matter treated by strictly separate categories. Often those “beats” are divided to match the underlying product or ideological marketing segment to be served. To the extent the incoherence cannot be ignored, the siege operations are described as were they natural catastrophes. Famine and disease are labelled serious risks arising from the destruction of infrastructure and the inability to deliver food to the inhabitants. However the fact that siege is not a condition of nature and therefore its consequences are not “acts of god” is unmentioned. Quite the contrary, the assumption underlying most reporting is that whether or not Tel Aviv’s occupation and siege of Palestine is divinely inspired, god or gods have not been on the side of the besieged. The vast majority of the Gaza population comprises women, children and youth. Thus the siege is ultimately punishment of unarmed, non-combatants. These families are implicitly held responsible for the collateral dismemberment and death on the premise that they are constituents of armed units comprising adult males. To the extent they are recognised as victims, those adult male Palestinians are deemed the perpetrators. Tel Aviv’s terrorists are defending the unarmed women and children of Palestine from their wayward manhood. The paramount leader of the terrorist onslaught, his lieutenants and allies all proclaim the divine righteousness with which they annihilate. It has been the duty of journalism to dilute their demonic language. For the scribbling battalions, such a vaccination campaign is a welcome theatrical performance to report. The Righteous (terrorists) deign to “pause” in their execution of god’s will in order to prevent the targeted population from becoming lame or paralysed. Could it be they are afraid the paralysed survivors will be unable to walk across the borders into permanent exile?
Another point of criticism, even less obvious but also more difficult to comprehend, is focused on the vaccine itself. If the pathogen allegedly detected itself derives from a previously introduced vaccine, then what assurance does anyone have that the vaccine brought to Gaza in August by the UN agencies are any safer or efficacious than the contaminating substances against which they are supposedly intended to work? On 27 August 2024, the UN News published official insistence that the polio vaccine is “safe and effective” (where have we heard that before?) and in the media briefing by UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric denied claims in “several news stories (that) have appeared online in Israel and the United States, quoting two Israeli scientists falsely asserting that the polio vaccine due to be used in Gaza is ‘experimental’”. Dujarric is cited as saying that “This vaccine is safe, it is effective, and it offers top quality protection. It is a vaccine globally recommended for variant type two polio virus outbreaks by the World Heath Organization.” Late journalist Claude Cockburn, father of the late Alexander and his sibling journalists, was to have observed that the time to believe the government is doing something is once they start denying it. In the decades since 2001, official denials are routine.
According to Dujarric, the vaccine was rolled out in March 2021. What a coincidence? In the midst of unveiling the “mother of all vaccines”, a new polio vaccine was released for public consumption. Where did the pharmaments industry ever get the time to create a vaccine to prevent the spread of a vaccine-induced virus while they were working at warp speed to produce the mRNA miracle-maker to combat COVID-19? Is it possible that this was just another off the back shelf product waiting for the right sales opportunity. US patent agent David Martin demonstrated with painstaking research published in the midst of the PHEIC pandemic that all the active components of the mRNA bullet and its target pathogen had been patented long before 2019 when the first flare was fired in Wuhan. When one should ask was the testing of the 2021 polio vaccine? What Dujarric actually means is that the responsible entities authorized the vaccine to be deployed which, like in the case of the mRNA bullets, ended their experimental status de jure.
Perhaps the 2021 vaccine procured in such enormous quantities are product of another investment by misanthropic capitalist William Gates III, known as Bill Gates, dba the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) with its special polio focus. According to the foundation, their focus on polio is warranted because “despite this progress (in eliminating wild polio), several challenges remain in reaching all children with vaccines.” Interestingly enough they also report that “wild polio virus type 2 was declared eradicated in 2015, and wild poliovirus type 3 was declared eradicated in October 2019 (the month in which Event 201 was held). A reasonably literate person could be forgiven for asking, if wild polio type 2 (and type 3) have been eradicated what is the source of the polio threat now? The answer of course is polio vaccines!
For example, according to an article in New Indian Express (23 October 2019) “in 2019 at least 400 children would have developed polio after receiving the oral polio vaccine over the past five years… India has been free from wild polio since 2011, but the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has never released data on vaccine-associated polio paralysis, a rare adverse effect of OPV (oral polio vaccine) that causes infantile paralysis.” If there has been no data disclosure how can anyone know whether the adverse effect is “rare”? In the OPV given to children worldwide, Type 2 vaccine viruses were withdrawn from use in 2016, it continues to contain Type 1 and 3 strains that can cause VAPP.” The study cited highlighted a fact documented elsewhere, namely that cases of polio caused by vaccine viruses have outnumbered those of polio caused by wild polio viruses. Which according to those so credible authorities like the WHO have been eradicated. Although the WHO has benefited not only from the largesse of its quasi-owners but also from the combined forces of global mass media cartels at those owners disposal, occasionally it is impossible to conceal either the corruption (SOP) or the outright mendacity of the organization’s operatives.
In a WHO press release (6 June 2019), it was reported that in the country where the WHO director-general made his reputation for integrity in public service, Ethiopia, a total of 57,193 vials of type 2 OPV (mOPV2) were destroyed under official supervision, presumably to prevent their contents entering the sewage system of Addis Ababa. “According to the Global Action Plan Version III (GAP III) guidelines, type 2 polio virus containing or potentially containing materials post switch should always be thoroughly handled and destructed using methods that can automatically inactivate the virus for minimizing the risks of infection of vulnerable population.” The OPV is a product pushed by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) another consortium, like GAVI, funded by the BMGF. Another BMGF funded activity from which the foundation has done its best to distance itself was a notorious tetanus vaccination wave in 2013 where its WHO cut-out, together with the local government vaccinated women in rural areas of reproductive age ostensibly for tetanus. It was discovered that the “vaccine” was laced with ingredients that would inhibit fertility. The otherwise Business-oriented Latin Church had not yet abandoned what one writer has called “procreationism”. Local Roman Catholics were outraged that young women would be sterilized by the State. It is no secret that the misanthropic capitalists in Seattle have often articulated their preference for population reduction methods through healthcare delivery. Even the former spouse of Mr Gates, a member of the Latin Church, has been a vocal supporter of enabling women in developing countries to choose not to have children. Is it inconceivable that an oral polio vaccine might be enhanced with other biologics? Are these vaccines or blankets for the “Indians”?
Thus we can see there is not only apparent incoherence between the supposed humanitarian objective of vaccinating somewhat more than half a million children in Gaza before they are shot by terrorist snipers or buried dead or alive by bombs. Yet there is a school of thought—or a state of mind—which forbids criticism of any act which in isolation is “good” no matter the context in which it is performed. To condemn the vaccination campaign is to be heartless and inhumane. One ought to appreciate every instant of goodness or generosity even in the midst of evil.
The vaccine itself- and the obsession with vaccinating the world—can also be criticised. However the vast majority still believe what they have been taught—that vaccines have been the miracle of modern public health. Any criticism of vaccination or the vaccine industry is dismissed or disparaged as an attack on sound public health policy. Probably most people have had some kind of vaccine in the course of their lives and see their continued survival as well as relative good health as prima facie evidence that vaccines are right, good and necessary for civilized life. Like infant baptism, it is impossible to prove or disprove its efficacy. The only authoritative testimony from the dead we have so far is a compilation of clerical forgeries and fantasies for which no further apologies are needed.
Elsewhere in my discussion of the military and intelligence origins of public health (Dissident Voice, 1 October 2021), I described the history of the government agencies today treated as world authorities on disease, cures and prevention. These agencies were not captured by corporations. They were created within the military-industrial complex and endowed with the powers of the State. They formed the template for virtually all modern public health institutions worldwide. A template is not only a tool of simplification, like any model, it is also a frame or limit placed on subsequent institutions established using it. Selling or imposing a model may not guarantee full control over the institution but it definitely eases future manipulation by the modeller. That is why the British, French and US Americans have always spent considerable sums educating foreigners in their military academies and elite universities. It is also why foreign aid includes continuous training and indoctrination events and exercises. These create and maintain the interfaces and personal relationships needed for the modeller to manipulate the models wherever they may be.
In 2020 (Dissident Voice, 24 April 2020) I described the PHEIC aka as the COVID-19 pandemic as a massive worldwide counter-insurgency operation. It is an element of the global terrorism that constitutes the controlling instrument for the financial oligarchy that rules us. Many of the tactics and strategies best theorized by the French and applied by the US in the 20th century actually have precedents in the long history of Western colonization and imperialism. However, the emergence of systems theory in the 20th century and the full militarization of science and medicine through the Manhattan Project have significantly magnified the organization of terror. A cultural convergence can be identified throughout the political power elite of the West by which industrial laborers, peasants and indigenous populations were all classified as resources to be managed scientifically. The scientific-technological revolution of the 20th century was foremost the translation of enormous productive capacity—capable of satisfying most of humanities basic needs—into the capacity for annihilating the population rendered surplus by all that industrial plant (now digital).
That said, with the long-standing political and military objective of the regime in Tel Aviv the total evacuation/ elimination of the indigenous population of Palestine, there ought to be no doubt that evacuation/ elimination involves more than just “Indian removal”. For decades the Palestinian diaspora has demanded the “right to return” to lands they were forced at gunpoint to vacate over the past century. In other settler-colonial states the major domestic task has always been population replacement and extermination of title (eliminating any heirs with claims). The US has a peculiarity that bewilders the settled “Old World” land owners. Namely the absence of binding land registers. Buying a parcel of land in the United States is not completed by registration of the purchase in a central land registry administered by the State. Instead the buyer purchases a title warranted free of encumbrances (claims against his ownership) and purchases an insurance policy that will reimburse him the purchase price should there be a successful challenge to his title in court. The tenuousness of ownership of stolen land survives in this archaic form of real estate transaction. During the so-called “pandemic” the official COVID measures were applied in Australia to evict indigenous from the lands the federal government had ostensibly recognized as theirs. The collapse of much of the SME sector worldwide during the state of COVID siege resulted in substantial redistribution of assets, including land.
During the US war against Vietnam, the CIA ran numerous programs which were eventually consolidated in what became known as the Phoenix Program. Two of those programs were interlocking pacification tactics included under the Rural Development schemes, e.g. through the Agency cut-out USAID. These were the strategic hamlet and census-grievance. Strategic hamlets were artificial villages forcibly constructed by the inhabitants of a theatre of operations in order to concentrate the population (yes, concentration camp) and isolate them from the National Liberation Front, also called the Vietcong (Vietnamese Communists). Census-grievance was a civil affairs operation. Villages were inspected, the population counted and registered, then a mirror version of the NLF alternative administration was installed. The US version was to operate according to what it thought was the structure and method of the NLF. Gene Sharp of Albert Einstein Institution fame, derived his colour revolution theories from analysis of these counter-insurgency strategies (e.g. National Security Through Civilian-based Defense, 1985).
One of the most important measurements for the Phoenix system was the NLF force strength. The general theory was that VC were the total population minus the percentage of the population under official control. However this was not very precise. Hence the census in census grievance. The Phoenix coordinators at all levels had to aggregate numbers and estimate the military strength of the NLF throughout the country. Since all Vietnamese look alike, this meant counting everyone. Of course sometimes counting was not necessary to determine the damage done. B-52 drops wiped out all traces of villager and insurgent alike. Yet monitoring population numbers and fluctuations throughout the country was considered a fair indirect measure. First of all where populations remained stable it was safe to say the NLF was protected or protecting. Where the rural population had been decimated it was safe to say the NLF would have little means of support. Either way numbers were crucial as were the other data collected about the inhabitants through the battery of civil operations disguised as Rural Development. That data went into the Phoenix Program Information System to generate “kill lists” for target acquisition. Every detail about families was fed into this system on the assumption that somewhere in every family there was an NLF member who had to be counted and neutralized.
It has been no secret that artificial intelligence tools (e.g. Lavender, Where’s Daddy?) are deployed by the Tel Aviv terrorists to produce similar assassination target lists. With the near total destruction of urban infrastructure and habitation in besieged Gaza, the essential controlling data for the counter-insurgency campaign is becoming more difficult to obtain. Whereas once the occupation health authorities were registering fatalities, about two million minus 40,000, the counter has been stuck for months now. While it is in the interest of the Tel Aviv regime to conceal the actual number of deaths from the general public, it is essential for their military operations to know how many more have to go. There is no substitute for a physical inventory—supervised by the IDF. Clearly they can no longer ask the inhabitants to come out for food and drink. However, the past four years have created a psychological condition worldwide by which vast numbers of people obviously can still be manipulated—the fear of disease.
As another author (Knightly, Off Guardian, 4 September 2024) also observed the WHO vaccination campaign targets children AND the rest of the world’s population suffering from the trauma of the COVID-19 siege and the largely forced vaccination of untold millions. I say forced because this mass vaccination was performed using either by irrationally-induced fear or repressive measures imposed by the Corporate State. The staged micro-PHEIC, following the COVID-19 handbook, enhances through redundancy the PHEIC fear strategy, also embodied in covert WHO negotiations to amend the International Health Regulations (IHR), and it provides the IDF cover for a census-type intelligence operation. Those are the minimum advantages accruing to the West’s ruling oligarchy and its franchise in Tel Aviv. However if the more sinister possibilities are considered in this suite, then the vaccination campaign is targeting children (like so many other aggressive policies today) to assure that there will in fact be few of them in the future. If the children of those who survive the annihilation of the Gaza concentration camp are rendered handicapped or even sterilized by the concoctions they have been fed, then the experimental vaccine will have proven its worth to the vaccinators of the world. The best way to prevent a death is still to prevent the inception of life in the first place.