Servant of the South – 08/05/24
Since it’s public holiday tomorrow I’m dropping this weeks photo dump early(& it’s already packed!).

Lastly a little poem that came to be the other day: (feel free to share if you like it)

Recommendation this week(on the strongest!) is this talk between Derick C. Varn and Adnan Husain. Some golden inputs on theories about the origin of western colonial history:
If you want to check out my Instagram, here it is.
And this link will lead you to my personal website where you can read more about me and what I do.
I also work in graphic design. You can see my work on this instagram profile, in case you have some inquiries. Which for example could be posters for events, book cover layout, you mention it.
I also do personalised orders if you want a portrait or have other ideas for gift for friends.
NOTE: Scroll down on the page a bit to see my work, the latest posts are calligraphy and drawings by my daughter, since I have been too busy to draw my self lately, I have decided to keep the page active that way.
Magnus S. Kjaergaard / Meunis ÿ.Ki