Excellent pre-show outline of the world’s zeitgeist

Excellent pre-show outline of the world’s zeitgeist

I was guest yesterday on the show, “Blowback: Experiencing Imperial Decline”, with fellow China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob as...

Meet China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob

Meet China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob

Billy Bob uses Facebook as his platform and has over 4,700 friends. Here is a China-specific post he did, https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid06Kxwf8JoQKLLx98xphi2jbfXUc732iGtk89DCBXDzeH6T5GxuibsEbiL7epXTKZvl&id=100003511545399&mibextid=Nif5oz...