Canaries in the imperial gold mine. It’s a brand new world out there!

An eye for an eye. The looting civilisation can no longer loot the world without consequences. Long live the Iranians...

Brett Redmayne-Titley: On the Importance of Tents.

“… we see the brutal repression that we have not seen in the [US] universities…The trutyh is that this unprecedented...

Servant of the South – 08/05/24

Servant of the South – 08/05/24

Since it’s public holiday tomorrow I’m dropping this weeks photo dump early(& it’s already packed!). Enjoy: Lastly a little poem...

Ben Tóth’s latest talking point outline is a must to print out and use in all your discussions! With videoclips.

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week with China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob...

Christian Hong Kong pastor debunks all the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine puke about churches in China! With informative pie chart.

From my friend Greg Hutchison: I have a friend from HK, who used to live at our complex. Ps Ricky...

Billy Bob ponders China, Mao, Deng, Xi, Russia, USSR, and what is all means to today’s headlines

Billy Bob ponders China, Mao, Deng, Xi, Russia, USSR, and what is all means to today’s headlines

“A lot of “anti-imperialists” that have the good sense not to support imperialist wars of conquest, in Syria, Ukraine, or...

Ben Tóth goes all out with this week’s talking point outline.

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week with China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob...

Servant of the South – 02/05/24

Servant of the South – 02/05/24

This weeks photo dump. Enjoy: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you want to check out my Instagram, here it is. And this link will lead you to my...

Returning to the 11th century: Before you leave, turn out the lights

Returning to the 11th century: Before you leave, turn out the lights

Technology fetishism and dogmatic irresponsibility Without the use of digital devices, instead mainly that analog apparatus known as the pen,...

Mao Zedong was so visionary, he could see what was happening today in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Africa, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and US universities. 1970 = 2024.

People Of The World, Unite And Defeat The U.S. Aggressors And All Their Running Dogs A new upsurge in the...