Reality and Rhetoric: Chinese Development Projects in Developing Countries

Reality and Rhetoric: Chinese Development Projects in Developing Countries – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

PARADIGM SHIFT: Is the Malign Spell finally Broken? By: Paul Edwards on the Greanville Post

Another great essay by Paul Edwards, Our timeless interview, Paul Edwards and his amazing lifetime of rebellion, on China...

Gorbachev. In lieu of an obituary. By: Alexander Dudchak

Note before starting: this is a little-known exposé on the real Mikhail Gorbachev, who plotted for years to destroy the...

How China works: why and how it is so successful in taking care of its citizens, Part II

This is a more detailed description of how China works, from China Writers’ Group member Frans Vandenbosch. Here is Part...

Meet China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob

Meet China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob

Billy Bob uses Facebook as his platform and has over 4,700 friends. Here is a China-specific post he did,

Q&A for a college student working on their thesis

Q&A for a college student working on their thesis

Daily news: Students from around the world contact me to answer questions to help them on their theses, class...