The Trump Drama Eclipses the Rest of the World – While this very World Falls Apart. By: Peter Koenig

Yes, it is of utmost importance that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, now Republican-nominated Presidential Candidate, be thoroughly investigated....

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Barely Escapes an Assassination Attempt. By: Peter Koenig

According the official story, an apparent lone nut, 20 years old Republican, named Thomas Matthew Crooks, allegedly fired from a...

Unbecoming American: The Clinton-Soros “House Hands” Attacking Trump but Targeting “Field Hands”

Unbecoming American: The Clinton-Soros “House Hands” Attacking Trump but Targeting “Field Hands”

Another recent article expressing election year hysteria among the credentialed class began with the assertion: While it is very easy,...

Unbecoming American: After the Fall: Another important reason to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

There have been numerous theories about the coming POTUS beauty contest as “M(r/s) America” proceeds through the quarterfinals and semi-finals...