Chinese democracy is NOT Western democracy. The prior comes from the bottom up, decided by the people. The latter is aristocratic, elitist and top-down. And that makes all the difference.

There are 300-500 peaceful public protests A DAY in China, solving citizens’ local problems, like this couple who was unhappy...

Joan Roelofs ponders life, after reading Henrik Wahren’s fan letter to Jeff J. Brown: a web of hope and humanity in a world on fire.

Joan has graced China Rising Sinoland with her books and her great thoughts,   Here is Henrik Wahren's orginal...

PARADIGM SHIFT: Is the Malign Spell finally Broken? By: Paul Edwards on the Greanville Post

Another great essay by Paul Edwards, Our timeless interview, Paul Edwards and his amazing lifetime of rebellion, on China...

Gorbachev. In lieu of an obituary. By: Alexander Dudchak

Note before starting: this is a little-known exposé on the real Mikhail Gorbachev, who plotted for years to destroy the...

Meet China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob

Meet China Writers’ Group member Billy Bob

Billy Bob uses Facebook as his platform and has over 4,700 friends. Here is a China-specific post he did,