Vladimir Putin in Vietnam

Vladimir Putin in Vietnam

Enlightening speech by Richard Wolff on the West’s colossal failure rooted in its warped meta-narrative

Enlightening speech by Richard Wolff on the West’s colossal failure rooted in its warped meta-narrative

The Rumsfeld-Cebrowski doctrine

The Rumsfeld-Cebrowski doctrine

Excellent piece by Thierry Meyssan. I would like to introduce everyone to the eponymous doctrine from Admiral Arthur Cebrowski (1942-2005)....

Five Reasons Why Hezbollah will end Israel

Five Reasons Why Hezbollah will end Israel

Servant of the South – 21/06/24(part 2 week 25)

Servant of the South – 21/06/24(part 2 week 25)

Part two this week. Enjoy: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you want to check out my Instagram, here it is. And this link will lead you to my...

ANSARALLAH aka the Houthis, the Yemeni Hezbollah

ANSARALLAH aka the Houthis, the Yemeni Hezbollah

Did the June 19, 2024 Russia-DPRK mutual defense pact completely upend East Asia geopolitics ?

Did the June 19, 2024 Russia-DPRK mutual defense pact completely upend East Asia geopolitics ?

Germany runs to BEIJING For Mercy

Germany runs to BEIJING For Mercy

Shahid King Bolsen : new Malcolm X or diabolically skillful imperialist agent ?

Shahid King Bolsen : new Malcolm X or diabolically skillful imperialist agent ?

This man, Shahid King Bolsen, 54 years old, born in Colorado, converted to Islam for more than 25 years, is...

How Innovative Is China in NUCLEAR POWER ?

How Innovative Is China in NUCLEAR POWER ?

Long and comprehensive article explaining how China started ~ 20 years ago at ground level concerning the nuclear power industry...