Servant of the South – 19/06/24 (Part 1 week 25)

Servant of the South – 19/06/24 (Part 1 week 25)

This weeks photo dump. Enjoy: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you want to check out my Instagram, here it is. And this link will lead you to my...

Manufacturing, industry and infrastructure vs. military expenditures. China chooses butter, the West chooses guns. Can’t have both.

@thinking_panda In real, productive economy terms, China surpassed the US back in 2008 – not including all the paper wealth...

Hypersonic missiles and glide-capable munitions are the future of warfare. China’s already there.

Hypersonic missiles and glide-capable munitions are the future of warfare. China’s already there.

A most enlightening article on China and Russia in Africa versus Western imperialism

A most enlightening article on China and Russia in Africa versus Western imperialism

*** MARAT KHAIRULLEN : THE AFRICAN FRONT *** Really informative piece that will be relevant till the end of this...

Unbecoming American: Years of living deniably

Unbecoming American: Years of living deniably

Years of living deniably The summer of discontent is upon us. Whether we will find ourselves witness to direct exchange...

Japan is so occupied by Uncle Slaughter, it’s embarrassing. 100,000 Yanks.

Don’t forget, if the West attacks North Korea, China or Russia, they are treaty-bound to defend each other – since 1961 and now 2024!

If the US and South Korea opt for military confrontation, “the DPRK will deal a deadly blow to the enemy without...

Chinese air force is surpassing the USA. Good luck Uncle Slaughter defending Taiwan Province!

China’s army and navy are already bigger than Uncle Slaughter’s. Now it their air force that is surpassing “The greatest...

China’s Desert Management

China’s Desert Management

Chinese Scientists return Home

Chinese Scientists return Home