Ben’s battleground talking points show 2024 is going to be anus-clinching, indeed! Hang on!

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week, Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline Outline BATTLEGROUND...

GoPro Guerilla Warfare (vs. A TikTok Genocide)

Outstanding analysis and historical contextualization, GoPro Guerilla Warfare (Vs. A TikTok Genocide) – The Greanville Post

How China works: why and how it is so successful in taking care of its citizens, Part II

This is a more detailed description of how China works, from China Writers’ Group member Frans Vandenbosch. Here is Part...

How Yemen changed everything. By: Pepe Escobar

How Yemen changed everything (

Ben Tóth’s current event talking point outline. Flex your verbal muscles in any discussion!

I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted this week, Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline Show Outline PROJECT...

Petition to suspend Israel from international sports

Correctly Defining Modern Zionism. By: Brett Redmayne-Titley.

Correctly Defining Modern Zionism. By: Brett Redmayne-Titley.

Not so long ago, prior to 1963 Zionism was war for new Israeli territory only. Thereafter, the goals of Zionism...

The Jewish holy book, the Talmud clearly states that all non-Jews are lower than dogs and should be killed: Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, you, me and the rest of humanity’s eight billion.

The Jewish holy book, the Talmud clearly states that all non-Jews are lower than dogs and should be killed: Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, you, me and the rest of humanity’s eight billion.

That’s why it is perfectly OK to commit their Palestine Holocaust and vivisect organs out of all of us. We...

Why is the US losing the tech war with China? It’s called Communism-Socialism vs. Imperialism-Capitalism. 10-min video.

This is so, so hard for Westerners to accept. 500 years of raping and plundering the Global South is rapidly...

Eric Arnow, China Writers’ Group member on historical nihilism and Taiwan

Follow Eric Arnow here: – Bumble Buddhist Eric’s perceptive email to Jeff J. Brown, Hi Jeff, I read your article...