Pro-independence party in Taiwan lost and is in the minority

My synopsis: 60% of the Taiwanese voted for the pro-Beijing parties (KMT and TPP) and the pro-independence group (DPP) lost control of the legislature. Yet, the people of Taiwan will continue to be under the thumb of Uncle Slaughter for another four years (

From Ginger River:

Just moments ago, 陈斌华 Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, commented on the outcomes of Taiwan leadership and legislature elections. I have included the full text of Chen’s comment here, along with the translation, and I did a quick analysis on the comment. In a nutshell, neither the election results nor the mainland’s official response to the results offered any real surprises.

Full-text comment by Chen Binhua (Chinese & English)


Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, commented on the outcomes of Taiwan leadership and legislature elections on Jan. 13:


The outcomes of Taiwan leadership and legislature elections reveal that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) cannot represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. Taiwan is China’s Taiwan. The elections will not change the basic landscape and development trend of cross-Strait relations, will not alter the shared aspiration of compatriots across the Taiwan Strait to forge closer ties, and will not impede the inevitable trend of China’s reunification.


Our stance on resolving the Taiwan question and realizing national reunification remains consistent, and our determination is as firm as rock. We will adhere to the 1992 Consensus that embodies the one-China principle and firmly oppose the separatist activities aimed at “Taiwan independence” as well as foreign interference. The mainland will work with relevant political parties, groups and people from various sectors in Taiwan to boost cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, enhance cross-Strait integrated development, jointly promote Chinese culture, and advance the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations as well as the cause of national reunification.


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