Chicken Little sells well, but post-1949 China will NEVER have a real estate or economic crash. NEVER! Here are three reasons why.

No recession in 48 years, no real estate bubble since 1949, yet Sinophobes keep praying for a China-crash. It will...

Population growth and aging is cause for concern in China. Even more so in USA, UK, S. Korea, Germany, Japan and Thailand, to name a few.

The xenophobic Big Lie Propaganda Machine across the west loves to talk about how China’s population is aging and how...

Chinese employees are being given expanded say in how their companies function and decisions made. Capitalism NOT!

Postwar Germany has had a similar structure, but over the years the system has been gentrified and suborned by the...

Why is home ownership in China twice as high as in the West?

The reason why China has such high home ownership is due to its communist-socialist system, that no land can be...

Chinese old people’s subsidized canteens closing down to lack of demand. Meanwhile in the West, more and more elderly are going hungry. Communism-socialism versus colonialism-capitalism, pure and simple.

‘Good intentions’: China’s canteens for seniors are losing money and shutting down from lack of demand | South China Morning...

From Xi Jinping to Mao Zedong to Mencius to Confucius: leaders are expected to SERVE THE PEOPLE! Do you hear Western leaders citing similar quotes? NOT!

Above: a pin on my hat with a silhouette of Mao Zedong. Below, his celebrated motto in his unique calligraphy...

China has a surplus, or is it just bigger, better, faster and cheaper than Western competitors? These two graphs and two 4-minute videos are all you need to see.

Video podcast of this presentation, My recent post is a deeper analysis of this topic, “If you think about...

China’s current economy vs. USA. Which numbers would you prefer for your country?

1. GDP Growth China USA China GDP growth in US$ Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) 1993-2023 China Writers’ Group member Godfree...

100 Stories of the Communist Party of China in International Communication (full of videos, images and documents)

Pictured above: French President Mitterrand meeting Deng Xiaoping in China, 1983. Whether you know it, or, like it or not,...

China Writers’ Group member Peter Koenig on Shenzhen TV: China’s Two Sessions at the Beginning of the Year of the Dragon

China’s Two Sessions at the Beginning of the Year of the DragonInterview with ShenzhenTV – Covering ConclusionsPeter Koenig14 March 2024...