Population growth and aging is cause for concern in China. Even more so in USA, UK, S. Korea, Germany, Japan and Thailand, to name a few.

The xenophobic Big Lie Propaganda Machine across the west loves to talk about how China’s population is aging and how...

Chinese employees are being given expanded say in how their companies function and decisions made. Capitalism NOT!

Postwar Germany has had a similar structure, but over the years the system has been gentrified and suborned by the...

From Xi Jinping to Mao Zedong to Mencius to Confucius: leaders are expected to SERVE THE PEOPLE! Do you hear Western leaders citing similar quotes? NOT!

Above: a pin on my hat with a silhouette of Mao Zedong. Below, his celebrated motto in his unique calligraphy...

China’s current economy vs. USA. Which numbers would you prefer for your country?

1. GDP Growth China USA China GDP growth in US$ Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) 1993-2023 China Writers’ Group member Godfree...

100 Stories of the Communist Party of China in International Communication (full of videos, images and documents)

Pictured above: French President Mitterrand meeting Deng Xiaoping in China, 1983. Whether you know it, or, like it or not,...

Chinese democracy is NOT Western democracy. The prior comes from the bottom up, decided by the people. The latter is aristocratic, elitist and top-down. And that makes all the difference.

There are 300-500 peaceful public protests A DAY in China, solving citizens’ local problems, like this couple who was unhappy...

Huawei’s theme song: “Dream It Possible”. With some fascinating, little-known background about the inspiration for the lyrics.

With Western Empire destroying everything and everyone in its path across our Pale Blue Dot, we can all use this...

Zhang Weiwei: Looking at the United States by Chinese-style modernization standards, it still has a long way to go.

Note before starting: this is online translation of a recent interview by one of China’s well-known intellectuals and thinkers. There...

Mao Era vs. Deng Era: a China Writers’ Group email thread tells the real story

Pictured above: Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping in 1959, in the midst of the Great Leap Forward, the greatest outburst...

How China works: why and how it is so successful in taking care of its citizens, Part II

This is a more detailed description of how China works, from China Writers’ Group member Frans Vandenbosch. Here is Part...