Five colorful graphs: electricity, highways, steel, cement and shipbuilding are all you need to see about which country has the world’s biggest real economy. It’s not Europe or Uncle Sam.

There has been a lot of discussion over the last ten years about how big the economies of China and...

Manufacturing, industry and infrastructure vs. military expenditures. China chooses butter, the West chooses guns. Can’t have both.

@thinking_panda In real, productive economy terms, China surpassed the US back in 2008 – not including all the paper wealth...

China has a surplus, or is it just bigger, better, faster and cheaper than Western competitors? These two graphs and two 4-minute videos are all you need to see.

Video podcast of this presentation, My recent post is a deeper analysis of this topic, “If you think about...

China is the world’s sole manufacturing superpower: A line sketch of the rise. By CEPR

China produces more than the US, Japan, Germany, India, South Korea, Italy, France and Taiwan Province combined. Let that stat...

China is Bigger, Get Over It. By: Dean Baker @ CEPR

It is standard for politicians, reporters, and columnists to refer to the United States as the world’s largest economy and...