Unbecoming American: The Clinton-Soros “House Hands” Attacking Trump but Targeting “Field Hands”

Unbecoming American: The Clinton-Soros “House Hands” Attacking Trump but Targeting “Field Hands”

Another recent article expressing election year hysteria among the credentialed class began with the assertion: While it is very easy,...

Unbecoming American: The Puritan Nation

Unbecoming American: The Puritan Nation

The Puritan Nation It has often been said of the United States of America that, in contrast to the countries...

Unbecoming American: Pedagogical panopticon

At my relatively old age or state of maturity there are many things about which to dream. As a youth...

Unbecoming American: After the Fall: Another important reason to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

There have been numerous theories about the coming POTUS beauty contest as “M(r/s) America” proceeds through the quarterfinals and semi-finals...

Unbecoming American: Journalism and entertainment: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin

This week former Fox News commentator, now self-employed audio-visual journalist, Tucker Carlson interviewed the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir...

Unbecoming American: There are individual men and women and there are families. But for how long?

Some people are still complaining- rightly- about the penetration of women’s competitive sports (along with prisons and school lavatories). There...

Unbecoming American: Truth, Love and Hope: Carlson at the Bolshoi

Broadly speaking three kinds of reactions to the recent Tucker Carlson – Vladimir Putin interviews can be detected. Aside from...

The World of Yesterday. By: Dr. T.P. Wilkinson.

The World of Yesterday Genetic amnesia and atomic nihilism Ninety years ago (1934) the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig began writing...