Hot off the press: Ben Tóth’s newest global zeitgeist outline has all the talking points you need to stay on top of any discussion. They won’t know what hit them!

Another barn burner by Ben Tóth. I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted on 10 November,

Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline Show

10 November Outline


“If you pause, if you do a ceasefire, people die” – Nikki Haley

Currently: 10,966 civilians killed, 4,412 children ( 1 child killed, 2 wounded every 10 mins )

Israel claims ‘more than 60’ hamas deaths on television ( CBS ) ( 183:1 civ-combat rate )

Israel: 50,000 North Gazans flee on foot in a single day ( videos, Al Jazeera )

Israel: Agrees to daily four-hour ‘humanitarian pauses’Kirby ( Telegraph )

Yemen: Ansar Allah shot down US $32m MQ-9 Reaper drone ( video )

US: Strikes Eastern Syria in ‘Self-defense strike’Austin ( NBC )


“What are the prospects of a Gaza ceasefire? None. No possibility.” Joe Biden, WH lawn

NEW – Israel : Netanyahu says he is ‘not seeking to conquer, occupy or govern Gaza ( statement )

NEW – Israel: Apache pilots admit killing civilians and hostages on 10-7 ( N12 > Middle East Monitor )

NEW – Israel: Jewish teen suspects arrested for swastika graffiti on synagogues ( T.O. Israel )

NEW – Israel: Amid war, evidence of Hamas’ October 7 rapes ‘slips away’ ( TO Israel )

Israel: will oversee Gaza security for ‘indefinite period’ after war – Netanyahu ( Politico )

Israel: Produced audio ‘evidence’ that Hamas uses ambulances for weapons ( official, X )

Israel: CIA, Mossad meet Qatari PM over Ceasefire, hostage release ( Reuters ) 

Israel: A broken Netanyahu is miscalculating over Gaza, time running out – Ehud Olmert ( Politico )

Israel: to hire 50,000-100,000 Indians to replace Palestinian workers ( Middle East Eye, VOA )

US: Admits Israel likely to keep ‘initial’ security force in Gaza post-war ( TO Israel )

US: Israel is running out of time before Biden damns it to defeat – Bolton ( Telegraph )

US: ‘Diplomacy’ faces dilemma on every front – Ukraine lost, Israel barbaric ( Bloomberg )

US: Biden confronts the limits of US leverage in two conflicts ( NYT )

US: Why do we let Israel and Ukraine wag the US Dog? ( Responsible Statecraft  )

US: Senate blocks aid to Israel without Ukraine ( DW )

US: 100+ Congressional staffers demand ceasefire, lay wreaths ( video )

US: State Department diplomats slam Israel policy in leaked memo ( Politico )

US: Diplomats privately warn Biden: Arab fury for a generation ( Cradle )

US: Biden admin privately wanted by US diplomats of growing Arab fury ( CNN )

EU: Macron has called for a ceasefire in Gaza in address ( France 24 )

EU: Anti-Semitic tag in Paris funded by ‘European Jewish Community’, done by Moldovan couple ( French TV )

EU: Belgium‘s Deputy Prime Minister is calling for sanctions on Israel  ( Politico )

EU: Barcelona dockers vow to block ships to Israel and Ukraine ( elDiario )

EU: Portuguese PM António Costa resigns, suspected corruption in Green Energy ( El Pais )

EU: Spanish minister Belarra backs legal initiative to bring Israeli regime before ICC ( PressTV )

Saudi Arabia: Normalization remains on the table, won’t use oil as a weapon – Investment Min. ( Saudi News )

Bahrain: ends all economic ties with Israel citing genocide in Gata ( Al Jazeera )

South Africa: Malema calls for ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu ( speech, video )

Bolivia: fmr. President Evo Morales calls Israel terrorist, calls for ICC to investigate genocide ( TeleSur )

Algeria : President Tebboune joins calls for ICC to take action ( Africa News )

Palestine: Three Palestinian rights groups file lawsuit at ICC to investigate crimes in Gaza ( Al Jazeera )

Malaysia: will support Palestine and not obey US – PM Anwar Ibrahim ( Reuters )

Türkiye : Suspends gas exploration activities with Israel ( Forbes )

Egypt : Rejects Israeli administration of Gaza strip ( Andalou )

SECOND FRONT : Country 404

“Biden still believes in Ukraine’s ability to regain lost territory” – White House

NEW – Ukraine: There was no counteroffensive, it was a psyop ( video on 1+1 Ukraine TV )

Ukraine: Min. Finance : Without external support, $29 hole in budget 2024 ( Ukrinform )

Ukraine: Military comes up with new strategy : Massive drone campaign ( Kyiv Ind )

Ukraine: seeks troops, Women answer the call – age limit raised 40 > 60 ( NYT )

Ukraine: We’re having huge success on the Crimean Front – NatSec  Danilov ( Ukr. Pravda )

EU: Time is on Russia’s side – Czech President Petr Pavel ( Ukr Pravda )

EU: Using Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine won’t be easy ( FT )

EU: Germany withdraws Patriot AD from Poland ( DW )

EU: Italy can’t afford NATO’s cash demands – DM Guido Crosetto ( speech )

EU: EC recommends starting accession talks on Ukraine and MoldovaVDL ( Euractiv )

EU: Hungary will veto a non-democracy at war, no minority rights – Szijjártó ( Euractiv )

EU: Poland wants repentance, exhumations in Volyn ( Rzeczpospolita )

EU: Mulls alternative Ukraine funding plan bypassing Hungary ( Bloobmerg )

UK: Over 100 (127) British companies admit breaking Russia sanctions ( FT )

UK: Charles III at the opening of parliament, calls to support Israel and Ukraine. ( video )

US: has used up 96% of funds approved by Congress for UkraineKirby ( Ukr Pravda )

US: Washington has run out of funds for Kiev – Erin McKee, USAID ( statement )

US: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is in Kyiv ( photos )

US: Jeffrey Pyatt announces intent to ‘strangle’ Russian Arctic LNG2 project ( RIA )

US: Russian move to secure Libyan bases new worry for US ( Bloobmerg )

US, Nato suspend cold war CFE ( Conventional Weapons ) treaty ( WSJ )


Gaza is a graveyard for children”Chinese ambassador to UN Zhang Yun

China: Assumes presidency of UNSC, will work to restore Peace ( GT )

China: Xi Jinping to attend APEC Summit in San Francisco next week ( CN MFA )

China: IMF raises GDP growth rate to 5.7% 2023 ( FT )

China: 405,000 officials at all levels punished from January to September ( Dongsheng )

China: Baidu places $61 million order for AI chips from Huawei, replacing Nvidia ( Forbes )

Australia: PM Albanese visits Beijing for State meeting, strong relations, investment, diplomacy ( GT )

Australia: calls for free and uninterrupted trade with China ( WaPo )

India: Seeks ‘reassurance’ on US Indo-Pacific defense at 2+2 talks ( SCMP )

India: Eye Drops pulled from Walmart, CVS tied to unsanitary Indian factory ( Bloomberg )

India: US presses India on Countering China more in Asian waterways ( Bloomberg )

US: Biden briefed on Chinese effort to place military base in Oman ( Bloomberg )

US: Ukr, Isr. Can Americans support two wars and still handle China? ( NYT )

US: Does America have enough weapons to support its allies in Asia? ( Economist ) 

US: And China to meet after shifting Economic Fortunes – US growth, struggling China! ( WSJ ) 

US: Invites Russia to San Francisco APEC summit ( RT )

US: Clothing makers can’t break with China‘s Supply chains ( Bloomberg )

US: Chinese investment in US collapses $2.5b vs $48b in 2016 ( FT )

US: Citadel CEO ( Huge hedge fund ) says Investors must invest in China ( Yahoo finance )

US: To provide $553 loan for port in Sri Lanka to curb China‘s influence ( Bloomberg )

US: Taiwan‘s – last –  LatAM ally Paraguay, open to China Investment – FM Says ( Forbes )

APPENDIX: Short video clips

RFKJr, real talk on Israel:

Elensky has new plans:

Kirby 96% of funds spent:

Biden – None, no possibility:

Malema – ICC arrest Yahu: Pyatt killing Russian LNG pipeline:

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